pressed glassware

pressed glassware
прессованные стеклоизделия

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pressed glassware" в других словарях:

  • glassware — /glas wair , glahs /, n. articles of glass, esp. drinking glasses. [1705 15; GLASS + WARE1] * * * Introduction       any decorative article made of glass, often designed for everyday use. From very early times glass has been used for various… …   Universalium

  • Pressed glass — is a form of glass made using a plunger to press molten glass into mold. It was first patented by American inventor John P. Bakewell in 1825 to make knobs for furniture.The technique was developed in the United States from the 1820s and in Europe …   Wikipedia

  • pressed glass — molded glass that has been shaped or given its pattern, while molten, by the action of a plunger thrust into the mold. [1865 70] * * *       glassware produced by mechanically pressing molten glass into a plain or engraved mold by means of a… …   Universalium

  • Beer glassware — comprises the drinking vessels made of glass designed or commonly used for drinking beer. Different styles of glassware complement different styles of beer for a variety of reasons, including enhancing aromatic volatiles, showcasing the… …   Wikipedia

  • carnival glass — noun Usage: often capitalized C Etymology: so called from its frequent use for prizes at carnival booths : pressed glass with an iridescent finish mass produced in a variety of colors (as frosty white or deep purple) in the United States in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • carnival glass — a colorful iridescent pressed glassware popular in the U.S. in the early 20th century. * * * …   Universalium

  • block mold — noun 1. : the original mold for a pottery form made directly from the model and used only for making working molds 2. : a one piece unjointed mold for pressed glassware (as tumblers, saucers, or bowls) …   Useful english dictionary

  • hobnail glass — hobnail glass, pressed glassware with a pattern of small, raised bumps, made during the 1800 s …   Useful english dictionary

  • pattern glass —       pressed (pressed glass) glassware produced in sets of many pieces decorated with the same pattern. Manufactured in large quantities in the United States in 1840–80 by the larger glassworks, it was an offshoot of the American invention… …   Universalium

  • Bakewell glass —       glassware produced at the factory completed in 1808 in Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh glass), Pa., U.S., by Benjamin Bakewell, an Englishman from Derby who became known as the father of the flint glass industry in the United States. The Pittsburgh… …   Universalium

  • Early American molded glass — refers to functional and decorative objects, such as bottles and dishware, that were manufactured in the United States in the 19th century. The objects were produced by blowing molten glass into a mold, thereby causing the glass to assume the… …   Wikipedia

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