- preselector
1) преселектор2) предыскатель (в телефонии)•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
preselector — PRESELECTÓR, preselectoare, s.n. 1. Dispozitiv care pregăteşte schimbarea de viteză. 2. Mecanism de comutaţie din ansamblul unui schimbător telefonic automat, cu preselecţie directă, pentru fiecare abonat chemător. – Din fr. présélecteur. Trimis… … Dicționar Român
Preselector — A preselector is a radio technological term for an electronic device that is inserted between the antenna and the receiver, limiting the range of frequencies that can be applied to it. Tuning to the desired frequency keeps the preselector s… … Wikipedia
preselector — /prisəˈlɛktə/ (say preesuh lektuh) noun 1. Radio → preamplifier. 2. Machinery a type of gearbox for motor vehicles in which the gear ratio is selected before it is actually required. –adjective 3. denoting or relating to a preselector …
Preselector gearbox — For other uses, see Preselector (disambiguation). Transmission types Manual Sequential manual Non synchronous Preselector Automatic Manumatic Semi automatic … Wikipedia
preselector — /pree si lek teuhr/, n. Radio. a preamplifier between the antenna and receiving circuit, used to improve reception. [1925 30; PRESELECT + OR2] * * * … Universalium
preselector — noun Any of various radio switching or filtering devices … Wiktionary
preselector — ► sustantivo masculino TECNOLOGÍA Dispositivo que permite hacer una preselección, en especial de línea vacante en unas centrales telefónicas automáticas. * * * ► masculino Circuito o dispositivo que permite la preselección automática … Enciclopedia Universal
preselector — noun a device for selecting a mechanical or electrical operation in advance of its execution … English new terms dictionary
preselector — pre·se·lec·tor … English syllables
preselector — n. any of various devices for selecting a mechanical or electrical operation in advance of its execution, e.g. of a gear change in a motor vehicle … Useful english dictionary
preselector gearbox — See pre selector gearbox … Dictionary of automotive terms