- preprint
1) сигнальный экземпляр2) предварительно опубликованная часть издания•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
preprint — PREPRÍNT, preprinturi, s.n. Lucrare multiplicată, difuzată separat (înainte de a apărea într o publicaţie, de a fi tipărită). – Din engl. preprint. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 12.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 preprínt s. n., pl. preprínturi Trimis de siveco … Dicționar Român
Preprint — A preprint is a draft of a scientific paper that has not yet been published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Role of preprintsPublication of manuscripts in a peer reviewed journal often takes weeks, months or even years from the time of… … Wikipedia
Preprint — Pre|prịnt 〈[pri ] n. 15〉 Vorabdruck (eines Buches, wissenschaftl. Aufsatzes o. Ä.) [<engl. pre „vor“ + print „drucken“] * * * Pre|print [ pri:prɪnt], das; s, s [engl. preprint, aus: pre = vor(ab) (< lat. prae = vor[her]) u. print, ↑… … Universal-Lexikon
preprint — n. /pree print /; v. /pree print /, n. 1. an advance printing, usually of a portion of a book or of an article in a periodical. v.t. 2. to print for future use. 3. to print a preprint. [1885 90; PRE + PRINT] * * * … Universalium
Preprint — Pre|print [pri..., engl. pri:print] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. preprint zu pre »vor(ab)« u. print, vgl. ↑Printed in ...> Vorausdruck, Vorabdruck (z. B. eines wissenschaftlichen Werkes, eines Tagungsreferates o. Ä.; Buchw.); vgl.… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
preprint — I. noun Date: 1889 1. an issue of a technical paper often in preliminary form before its publication in a journal 2. something (as an advertisement) printed before the rest of the publication in which it is to appear II. transitive verb Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Preprint — Als Preprints (englisch: vor dem Druck) bezeichnet man Vorabdrucke oder als Kopie weitergegebene Versionen von Artikeln wissenschaftlicher Fachzeitschriften oder von Buchbeiträgen, die zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen sind, um Fehler zu vermeiden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Preprint — Prépublication Voir « prépublication » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
preprint — an article printed especially for private distribution in advance of the publication that is to contain it. It carries a date in advance of a later reissue as part of a collective or cumulative work. Preprints may be published works for the… … Dictionary of ichthyology
preprint — 1. noun A preliminary form of a scientific paper that has not yet been published in a journal. 2. verb To print in advance … Wiktionary
preprint — pre·print s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} estratto di un articolo di rivista, periodico e sim. o capitolo di un volume, stampato prima della pubblicazione complessiva dell opera {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: der. di print stampa … Dizionario italiano