bandwidth filter

bandwidth filter
полосовой фильтр

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bandwidth filter" в других словарях:

  • Filter konstanter absoluter Bandbreite — Filter (n) konstanter absoluter Bandbreite eng constant bandwidth filter …   Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar

  • Filter konstanter relativer Bandbreite — Filter (n) konstanter relativer Bandbreite eng constant percentage bandwidth filter …   Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar

  • Bandwidth (signal processing) — Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower cutoff frequencies of, for example, a filter, a communication channel, or a signal spectrum, and is typically measured in hertz. In case of a baseband channel or signal, the bandwidth is… …   Wikipedia

  • Bandwidth expansion — is a technique for widening the bandwidth or the resonances in an LPC filter. This is done by moving all the poles towards the origin by a constant factor gamma. The bandwidth expanded filter A (z) can be easily derived from the original filter… …   Wikipedia

  • Bandwidth extension — of signal is defined as the deliberate process of expanding the frequency range (bandwidth) of a signal in which it contains an appreciable and useful content, and/or the frequency range in which its effects are such. Its significant advancement… …   Wikipedia

  • Filter (optics) — Coloured and Neutral Density filters Optical filters are devices which selectively transmit light of different wavelengths, usually implemented as plane glass or plastic devices in the optical path which are either dyed in the mass or have… …   Wikipedia

  • bandwidth — /band width , with /, n. 1. Telecommunications. the smallest range of frequencies constituting a band, within which a particular signal can be transmitted without distortion. 2. the transmission capacity of an electronic communications device.… …   Universalium

  • Bandwidth — Dieser Artikel erläutert die Bandbreite als technischen Begriff; für ein gleichnamiges Wechselkurssystem siehe Wechselkursbandbreite. Für die Bandbreite als Begriff in der Numerischen Mathematik siehe Bandmatrix. Bandbreite B bezeichnet die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Distributed element filter — Figure 1. A circuit featuring many of the f …   Wikipedia

  • Nyquist filter — A Nyquist filter is an electronic filter used in TV receivers to equalize the video characteristics. The filter is named after the Swedish–US engineer Harry Nyquist (1889–1976). Contents 1 VSB 2 Example of a VSB 3 Demodulation problems …   Wikipedia

  • Raised-cosine filter — The raised cosine filter is a particular electronic filter, frequently used for pulse shaping in digital modulation due to its ability to minimise intersymbol interference (ISI). Its name stems from the fact that the non zero portion of the… …   Wikipedia

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