- power-series expansion
разложение в степенной ряд
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Power series — In mathematics, a power series (in one variable) is an infinite series of the form:f(x) = sum {n=0}^infty a n left( x c ight)^n = a 0 + a 1 (x c)^1 + a 2 (x c)^2 + a 3 (x c)^3 + cdotswhere an represents the coefficient of the n th term, c is a… … Wikipedia
Taylor series — Series expansion redirects here. For other notions of the term, see series (mathematics). As the degree of the Taylor polynomia … Wikipedia
Series (mathematics) — A series is the sum of the terms of a sequence. Finite sequences and series have defined first and last terms, whereas infinite sequences and series continue indefinitely.[1] In mathematics, given an infinite sequence of numbers { an } … Wikipedia
Series acceleration — In mathematics, series acceleration is one of a collection of sequence transformations for improving the rate of convergence of a series. Techniques for series acceleration are often applied in numerical analysis, where they are used to improve… … Wikipedia
Power Mac G4 — The Graphite Power Mac G4 Developer Apple Inc. Release date August 31, 1999 Discontinued June 9, 2004 … Wikipedia
Puiseux expansion — In mathematics, a Puiseux expansion is a formal power series expansion of an algebraic function. Puiseux s theorem is a classical existence theorem for such an expansion, in the case of one variable.If K is an algebraically closed field of… … Wikipedia
Power Pro Kun Pocket series — (パワプロクンポケットシリーズ, abbrv. :パワポケ), or simply called Pawapoke or Power Pocket, is the sub series(spinoff) of the Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū series baseball game developed by Konami. The series is released only on the Nintendo s handheld platform (GBC … Wikipedia
Cluster expansion — In statistical mechanics, the cluster expansion (also called the high temperature expansion or hopping expansion) is a power series expansion of the partition function of a statistical field theory around a model that is a union of non… … Wikipedia
Power of the Duelist — Infobox ygoexpansionset Expansion Name = Power of the Duelist Expansion Cover Card = Elemental Hero Dark Neos OCG Release Date = May 18, 2006 TCG Release Date = August 6, 2006 Mechanics = A Counters, Destiny Heroes, Neo Spacians, Vehicroids Size … Wikipedia
Expansion card — Example of a PCI Digital I/O Expansion Card. The expansion card (also expansion board, adapter card or accessory card) in computing is a printed circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot of a computer motherboard or backplane to… … Wikipedia
Power Macintosh 5500 — Mac specs Introduced=February 17, 1997 MSRP=2000 2200 CPU=PowerPC 603e CPUspeed=225 275 MHz OS=System 7.5.5 Mac OS 9.1, or with G3 upgrade, up to Mac OS 9.2.2 RAM=32 MB, expandable to 128 MB RAMtype=70 ns 168 pin DIMM Discontinued=March 31,… … Wikipedia