- power takeoff
1) отбор мощности (от силовой установки)2) механизм отбора мощности
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
power takeoff — ☆ power takeoff n. an accessory unit on a truck, tractor, etc., usually linked to the transmission, allowing engine power to be used for driving other equipment, as a winch … English World dictionary
power takeoff — PTO (power takeoff) part of a tractor s machinery that provides electrical power to additional equipment … English contemporary dictionary
power takeoff — A shaft from which power is available to drive an accessory or other item … Aviation dictionary
power takeoff — noun a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer) • Syn: ↑PTO • Hypernyms: ↑device … Useful english dictionary
power takeoff — an accessory unit or apparatus attached to an engine powered machine and powered by the engine. Abbr.: PTO [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
Takeoff — is the phase of flight in which an aircraft goes through a transition from moving along the ground (taxiing) to flying in the air, usually starting on a runway. For balloons, helicopters and some specialized fixed wing aircraft (VTOL aircraft… … Wikipedia
power take off — PTO (power takeoff) part of a tractor s machinery that provides electrical power to additional equipment … English contemporary dictionary
Takeoff/Go-around switches — (TO/GA) are switches activated on the autothrottle of an autopilot of a modern aircraft. It has two modes, takeoff (TO) and go around (GA).The switch is the same for both takeoff and go around modes, the autopilot throttle programming knows what… … Wikipedia
takeoff distance required — i. The horizontal distance required to accelerate from a standing start with all engines operating to achieve a safety speed at a height of 50 ft above the takeoff surface, multiplied by 1.15 for airplanes with a maximum takeoff weight of 4500 lb … Aviation dictionary
takeoff power — The amount of power that an engine is allowed to produce for a limited period of time for takeoff. The use of takeoff power is usually limited to 5 min for reciprocating engines and up to 21/2 min for gas turbine engines. This may not always be… … Aviation dictionary
takeoff safety speed — (V 2 ) A referenced air speed obtained after takeoff at which the required one engine inoperative climb performance can be achieved. This speed is used in the determination of takeoff performance. It is a legal requirement for some commercial and … Aviation dictionary