power feeder

power feeder
питатель с принудительной подачей

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "power feeder" в других словарях:

  • Feeder (disambiguation) — Feeder may refer to:*Feeder (band), the Welsh rock group *Feeder (fetish), someone who gains sexual pleasure from helping another gain weight *Feeder, a regional term for frontage road, or other small road eventually delivering traffic to a… …   Wikipedia

  • feeder — /fee deuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that supplies food or feeds something. 2. a bin or boxlike device from which farm animals may eat, esp. such a device designed to allow a number of chickens to feed simultaneously or to release a specific… …   Universalium

  • power plant — Synonyms and related words: action and reaction, aeromotor, appliance, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, atomic power plant, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, cannery, central station …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Feeder —   A power line for supplying electricity within a specified area.   This is an electrical supply line, either overhead or underground, which runs from the substation, through various paths, ending with the transformers. It is a distribution… …   Energy terms

  • feeder — feed•er [[t]ˈfi dər[/t]] n. 1) ahb. a person or thing that supplies food or feeds something 2) ahb. a bin or boxlike device from which farm animals may eat, esp. such a device allowing a number of chickens to feed simultaneously 3) ahb. a person… …   From formal English to slang

  • feeder — /ˈfidə/ (say feeduh) noun 1. someone or something that supplies food or feeds something. 2. someone or something that takes food or nourishment. 3. a person or device that feeds a machine, printing press, etc. 4. a tributary stream, a secondary… …  

  • Overhead power line — This article is about power lines for general transmission of electrical power. For overhead lines used to power road and rail vehicles, see Overhead lines. Transmission lines in Lund, Sweden …   Wikipedia

  • Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant — Infobox NPP Picture = Pic des = Country = Slovakia EIGENTÜMER = Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. Utility = Electrostation Bohunice Built = August 1, 1958 Start = December 25, 1972 End = Reactor = 3 Reactor MW = 1320 S Reactor = 2 S Reactor MW =584 B… …   Wikipedia

  • Traction power network — articleissues original research=August 2008 POV=August 2008 refimprove=May 2007A traction power network is an electricity grid for the supply of electrified railroads. The installation of separate traction power network generally is only done if… …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Power/St. Joseph High School — Michael Power/St. Joseph Catholic Secondary High School Address 105 Eringate Drive Toronto, Ontario, M9C 3Z7, Canada Information School board …   Wikipedia

  • Bird feeder — A birdfeeder, bird feeder, or bird table is a device placed out of doors to supply bird food to birds. The success of a bird feeder in attracting birds depends upon its placement and the kinds of seeds offered, as different species have different …   Wikipedia

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