potential coefficient

potential coefficient
потенциальный коэффициент

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "potential coefficient" в других словарях:

  • Potential Determining Ion — In a colloidal dispersed system, ion dissolution arises, where the dispersed particles exist in equilibrium with their saturated counter part, i.e. mathrm{NaCl} {(s)} leftrightarrow mathrm{Na} {(aq)}^+ + mathrm{Cl} {(aq)}^ The behavior of this… …   Wikipedia

  • coefficient — 1. The expression of the amount or degree of any quality possessed by a substance, or of the degree of physical or chemical change normally occurring in that substance under stated conditions. 2. The ratio or factor that relates a quantity… …   Medical dictionary

  • Aerodynamic potential flow code — Aerodynamic potential flow or panel codes are used to determine the velocity and subsequently the pressure distribution on an object. This may be a simple two dimensional object, such as a circle or wing and it may be a three dimensional vehicle …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical potential — Chemical potential, symbolized by μ, is a measure first described by the American engineer, chemist and mathematical physicist Josiah Willard Gibbs. It is the potential that a substance has to produce in order to alter a system.[1] In broadest… …   Wikipedia

  • Transmission coefficient — right|frame|An electromagnetic (or any other) wave experiences partial transmittance and partial reflectance when the medium through which it travels suddenly changes.The transmission coefficient is used in physics and electrical engineering when …   Wikipedia

  • Charge transfer coefficient — Charge transfer coefficient, and symmetry factor (symbols α and β, respectively) are two related parameters used in description of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions. They appear in the Butler Volmer equation and related expressions. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Activity coefficient — An activity coefficient [ [http://www.iupac.org/goldbook/A00116.pdf Gold Book definition] ] is a factor used in thermodynamics to account for deviations from ideal behaviour in a mixture of chemical substances. In an ideal mixture the… …   Wikipedia

  • Virial coefficient — Virial coefficients B i appear as coefficients in the virial expansion of the pressure of a many particle system in powers of the density. They are characteristic of the interaction potential between the particles and in general depend on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Delta potential well — The Delta potential well is a common theoretical problem of quantum mechanics. It consists of a time independent Schrödinger equation for a particle in a potential well defined by a delta function in one dimension.DefinitionThe time independent… …   Wikipedia

  • Osmotic coefficient — An osmotic coefficient φ is a quantity which characterises the deviation of a solvent from ideal behaviour, referenced to Raoult s law. The osmotic coefficient on a molality basis is defined by:[1] and on an amount fraction basis by: where is the …   Wikipedia

  • Finite potential barrier (QM) — In quantum mechanics, the finite potential barrier is a standard one dimensional problem that demonstrates the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling. The problem consists of solving the time independent Schrödinger equation for a particle with a… …   Wikipedia

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