
1) потенциал
2) (электрический) потенциал
3) разность потенциалов, напряжение
potential above earth — напряжение относительно земли
absolute potential
ac potential
accelerating potential
action potential
adsorption potential
advanced potential
alternating potential
barrier potential
bath potential
bias potential
boundary potential
breakdown potential
bucking potential
built-in potential
chemical potential
chemiosmotic potential
contact potential
Coulomb potential
critical potential
dark potential
decomposition potential
deflecting potential
deionization potential
demarcation potential
depolarization potential
diffusion potential
discharge potential
dry flashover potential
earth potential
electric potential
electrochemical potential
electrode potential
electrofiltration potential
electrokinetic potential
electrolytic potential
electromagnetic potential
electron-stream potential
electrophoretic potential
electropolarization potential
electrostatic potential
equilibrium potential
excitation potential
extinction potential
Fermi potential
firing potential
flashover potential
floating potential
flow potential
galvanic potential
geothermal potential
glow potential
gravity potential
ground potential
Hall potential
high potential
hydroelectric potential
image potential
induced polarization potential
induced potential
initial potential
initial production potential
injury potential
inner contact potential
interface potential
ionic potential
isolation potential
Josephson potential
junction contact potential
junction potential
liquid-junction potential
magnetic field potential
magnetic potential
membrane potential
mineral potential
mini-hydro potential
natural potential
Nernst potential
nuclear potential
null potential
open flow production potential
open flow potential
open-circuit potential
operating potential
oxidation-reduction potential
pattern potential of knitting machine
phase-boundary potential
photovoltaic potential
polarization potential
potential of the Earth
primary production potential
priming potential
production potential
protection potential
puncture potential
radiation potential
redox potential
reduction potential
reference potential
refrigeration potential
relaxation potential
resting potential
rest potential
scalar potential
space charge potential
sparking potential
spark potential
spontaneous potential
standard electrode potential
streaming potential
striking potential
surface potential
target potential
telluric potential
thermodynamic potential
threshold potential
trolley potential
vector potential
water and power potential
zero potential
zeta potential

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "potential" в других словарях:

  • Potential [1] — Potential ist eine Funktion V (x, y, z) des Ortes, d.h. der Koordinaten xyz eines Punktes P, deren partielle Differentialquotienten nach den Koordinaten die Komponenten einer gerichteten Größe (Kraft, Geschwindigkeit), die diesem Punkt P… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • potenţial — POTENŢIÁL, Ă, (I) potenţiali, e, adj., (II) potenţiale, s.n. I. adj. 1. Care are în sine toate condiţiile esenţiale pentru realizare, care există ca posibilitate, care există în mod virtual. ♢ Energie potenţială = energia pe care o poate dezvolta …   Dicționar Român

  • Potential [2] — Potential der Verrückungen. Sind ξ, η, ζ, die Verrückungen des Körperpunktes m (x, y, z) in den Richtungen x, y, z (s. Elastizitätslehre, allgemeine), und es existiert eine Funktion F der Koordinaten x, y, z, deren… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Potential [5] — Potential , thermodynamisches, eine Funktion zweier oder mehrerer Unabhängigveränderlicher, die in der Thermodynamik eine ähnliche Rolle spielt wie das Potential der Kräfte nach dem Newtonschen Gravitationsgesetz in der reinen Mechanik (vgl.… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Potential [3] — Potential , elastisches. Die Arbeit zur Ueberwindung der inneren Kräfte (s. Verschiebungsarbeit) beliebiger Körper für den Fall, daß die Spannungen konstant wie am Ende der betreffenden Verschiebungen wären (die virtuelle Verschiebungsarbeit),… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Potential — Po*ten tial, a. [Cf. F. potentiel. See {Potency}.] 1. Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential. [Obs.] And hath in his effect a voice potential. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Existing in possibility, not in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Potential — (auch Potenzial) steht für: Aktionspotential vorübergehende, charakteristische Abweichung des Membranpotentials einer lebenden Zelle von ihrem Ruhepotential Chemisches Potential thermodynamische Größe in der Chemie, gemessen in Gibbs (= J/mol)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • potential — I adjective accessible, achievable, allowable, allowed, anticipated, attainable, concealed, conceivable, covert, doable, dormant, expected, feasible, future, imaginable, latent, likely, obtainable, performable, permissible, permitted, possible,… …   Law dictionary

  • Potential [2] — Potential (das), die Wirkungsfähigkeit oder potentielle Energie (Spannung), welche die in einem Punkte des Raumes konzentriert gedachte Masseneinheit besitzt vermöge der abstoßenden oder anziehenden Kräfte, die von andern im Raume befindlichen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • potential — [pō ten′shəl, pəten′shəl] adj. [ME potenciall < ML potentialis < L potentia: see POTENT] 1. that has power; potent 2. that can, but has not yet, come into being; possible; latent; unrealized; undeveloped 3. Gram. expressing possibility,… …   English World dictionary

  • Potential — Po*ten tial, n. 1. Anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentially. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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