pot press

pot press
пищ. чашечный пресс

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pot press" в других словарях:

  • pot´shoot´er — pot|shoot «POT SHOOT», transitive verb, intransitive verb, shot, shoot|ing. to shoot or attack with potshots: »I m off potshooting eiders…on the banks of the Northwest River (Dave Godfrey). Figurative. Even such ordinarily responsible papers… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pot|shoot — «POT SHOOT», transitive verb, intransitive verb, shot, shoot|ing. to shoot or attack with potshots: »I m off potshooting eiders…on the banks of the Northwest River (Dave Godfrey). Figurative. Even such ordinarily responsible papers as…the weekly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pot-Pourri (group) — This article is about a music group. For the musical term, see Potpourri (music). For plants, see Potpourri Pot Pourri is an Australian opera/musical theatre group who perform a blend of opera, music theatre, cabaret, magic, didgeridoo and comedy …   Wikipedia

  • Pot-de-fer — The pot de fer was a primitive cannon made of iron. It is known as the first metal cannon, and was used by the French in the Hundred Years War.cite book |author=Tunis, Edwin |title=Weapons: A Pictorial History |publisher=Johns Hopkins University… …   Wikipedia

  • Pot-Still-Verfahren — Die Destillation von Alkohol zu Genusszwecken bezeichnet man als Brennen, die benutzte Destillationsaparatur entsprechend als Brennerei und das Produkt häufig als Brand. Im Gegensatz zur Destillation im Kontext der Chemikalienherstellung ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pot Luck (album) — Infobox Album Name = Pot Luck Type = studio Longtype = Artist = Elvis Presley Released = June 5, 1962 Recorded = March 1961 toMarch 1962 Genre = Rock Length = 28:11 Label = RCA Records Producer = Steve Sholes, Joseph Lilley Reviews = Allmusic… …   Wikipedia

  • pot — n 1. cannabis. This 1950s term was considered old fashioned by drug users by the early 1960s, but was adopted by critics and commentators in the press to refer to hashish and marihuana. This use of the word originated in North America in the… …   Contemporary slang

  • Pol Pot — Infobox Prime Minister name =Saloth Sar Pol Pot caption = Pol Pot in 1977 at the height of his power order =General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea term start =1963 term end =1979 deputy = predecessor =Tou Samouth successor = None… …   Wikipedia

  • Melting pot — For other uses, see Melting pot (disambiguation). The image of the United States as melting pot was popularized by the 1908 play The Melting Pot. The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more …   Wikipedia

  • Pol-Pot — Büste Pol Pots im Tuol Sleng Museum Pol Pot (eigentlicher Name Saloth Sar, * vermutlich 19. Mai 1928[1] in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 1998 in Ânlóng Vêng) war ein kambodschanischer Politiker …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pol Pot — Büste Pol Pots im Tuol Sleng Genozid Museum Pol Pot (* vermutlich 19. Mai 1928[1] in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 1998 in Anlong Veng; eigentlich Saloth Sar) war ein kambodschanischer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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