posterior distribution

posterior distribution
апостериорное распределение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "posterior distribution" в других словарях:

  • Posterior Rami Syndrome — Posterior Ramus Syndrome, also referred to as Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome, Maigne Syndrome and Dorsal Ramus Syndrome is caused by the unexplained activation of the primary division of a posterior ramus of a spinal nerve (Dorsal ramus of… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior branches of cervical nerves — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = rami posteriores nervorum cervicalium GraySubject = 209 GrayPage = 921 Caption = Posterior primary divisions of the upper three cervical nerves. Caption2 = Innervates = BranchFrom = cervical nerves BranchTo …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior probability — The posterior probability of a random event or an uncertain proposition is the conditional probability that is assigned after the relevant evidence is taken into account.The posterior probability distribution of one random variable given the… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm — Nerve: Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm Diagram of segmental distribution of the cutaneous nerves of the right upper extremity. Posterior view. ( post. antebrach. cutan. visible in red at right.) Latin n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior, n.… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm — Nerve: Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm Cutaneous nerves of right upper extremity. ( Post. brach. cutan. visible at center left.) Latin n. cutaneus brachii posterior Gray s …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior ramus of spinal nerve — Nerve: Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve Diagram of the course and branches of a typical intercostal nerve. (Posterior division labeled at upper right.) …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior superior alveolar nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = rami alveolares superiores posteriores nervi maxillaris GraySubject = 200 GrayPage = 890 Caption = Distribution of the maxillary and mandibular nerves, and the submaxillary ganglion. (Posterior sup. alveolar… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior branches of thoracic nerves — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = rami posteriores nervorum thoracicorum GraySubject = 209 GrayPage = 923 Caption = Diagram of the distribution of the cutaneous branches of the posterior divisions of the spinal nerves. Caption2 = Innervates …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior branches of sacral nerves — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = rami posteriores nervorum sacralium GraySubject = 209 GrayPage = 924 Caption = The posterior divisions of the sacral nerves. Caption2 = Areas of distribution of the cutaneous branches of the posterior… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior vagal trunk — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = truncus vagalis posterior GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = The tracheobronchial lymph glands. Caption2 = Course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves. Innervates = BranchFrom …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior branch of coccygeal nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus posterior nervi coccygei GraySubject = 209 GrayPage = 925 Caption = Areas of distribution of the cutaneous branches of the posterior divisions of the spinal nerves. The areas of the medial branches are… …   Wikipedia

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