positive valency

positive valency
положительная валентность

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "positive valency" в других словарях:

  • Valency interaction formula — The Valency Interaction Formula, or VIF is a method for drawing molecular structural formulas based in quantum mechanics. The mathematical basis for VIF was formulated by Oktay Sinanoglu in a series of five papers published in 1984. [ Sinanoğlu,… …   Wikipedia

  • valence, valency — The combining power of one atom of an element (or a radical), that of the hydrogen atom being the unit of comparison, determined by the number of electrons in the outer shell of the atom (v. electrons); e.g., in HCl, chlorine is monovalent …   Medical dictionary

  • met´al|like´ — met|al «MEHT uhl», noun, adjective, verb, aled, al|ing or (especially British) alled, al|ling. –n. 1. a) any one of a group of chemical elements, such as iron, gold, silver, copper, lead, and tin. Metals usually ave a shiny surface, are good… …   Useful english dictionary

  • met|al — «MEHT uhl», noun, adjective, verb, aled, al|ing or (especially British) alled, al|ling. –n. 1. a) any one of a group of chemical elements, such as iron, gold, silver, copper, lead, and tin. Metals usually ave a shiny surface, are good conductors… …   Useful english dictionary

  • VALENCE — À toute représentation de la matière qui la suppose grenue, se rattachent deux genres d’intuitions, l’une privilégiant les formes, l’autre les forces. On peut, en effet, imaginer sous le mode de l’intensité les interactions entre les particules… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Verb — This article is about the part of speech. For the physical activity program, see VERB (program). For English usage of verbs, see English verbs. Verbs redirects here. For the Christian gospel rapper, see Verbs (rapper). Examples I washed the car… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical bond — A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two or more atoms. The bond is caused by the electromagnetic force attraction between opposite charges, either between electrons and… …   Wikipedia

  • Valence (chemistry) — For other uses, see Valence (disambiguation). In chemistry, valence, also known as valency or valence number, is a measure of the number of bonds formed by an atom of a given element. Valence can be defined as the number of valence bonds[1] a… …   Wikipedia

  • reaction mechanism — Introduction       in chemical reactions (chemical reaction), the detailed processes by which chemical substances are transformed into other substances. The reactions themselves may involve the interactions of atoms (atom), molecules (molecule),… …   Universalium

  • periodic law — /pear ee od ik, pear /, Chem. 1. the law that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. 2. Also called Mendeleev s law. (originally) the statement that the chemical and physical properties of the elements… …   Universalium

  • Metal — This article is about metallic materials. For other uses, see Metal (disambiguation). Some metal pieces Metals Alkali metals …   Wikipedia

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