- positive tendency
увод управляемых колёс (автомобиля)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Positive Disintegration — The Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) by Kazimierz Dąbrowski describes a theory of personality development. Unlike mainstream psychology, Dąbrowski s theoretical framework views psychological tension and anxiety as necessary for growth.… … Wikipedia
Positive outcome bias — There are two cognitive biases which might be called the positive outcome bias:* Publication bias, the tendency for researchers to publish research which had a positive outcome. Positive in this sense means eventful as opposed to uneventful *… … Wikipedia
positive hydrotropism — Hydrotropism Hy*drot ro*pism, n. 1. (Bot.) A tendency towards moisture. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) In a broader sense, any curvature or turning induced in certain growing plant organs under the influence of moisture. Note: When the movement is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
positive phototaxis — Phototaxis Pho to*tax is, Phototaxy Pho to*tax y, n. [NL. phototaxis; photo + Gr. ? an arranging.] (Biol.) The influence of light on the movements of low organisms, as various infusorians, the zo[ o]spores of certain alg[ae], etc.; also, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
positive phototropism — Phototropism Pho*tot ro*pism, n. [Photo + Gr. ? to turn.] 1. (Plant Physiol.) The tendency of growing plant organs to move or curve under the influence of light. In ordinary use the term is practically synonymous with {heliotropism}. [Webster… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Positive Feedback-Effekte — Unter positiven Feedback Effekten (increasing returns, returns to scale) verstehen sich in der Ökonomie drei Effekte, welche die Bildung von (temporären) Monopolen begünstigen. Dazu zählen: Skaleneffekte: Durch steigende Skalenerträge sinken die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
positive taxis — The tendency to be attracted to a source of stimulus … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
positive electrotropism — the tendency of a cell to be attracted by an electric stimulus … Medical dictionary
positive static stability — The tendency of an aircraft to return to its original flight attitude after being disturbed by an external force. An aircraft is positively stable if it returns to level flight after it has been disturbed by, for instance, a gust … Aviation dictionary
positive geotropism — noun Botany the tendency of roots to grow downwards … English new terms dictionary
positive stability — noun : the tendency of a ship to return to previous position when inclined … Useful english dictionary