- positive grade
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Grade inflation — is the supposed increase over time of academic grades, faster than any real increase in standards.It is frequently discussed in relation to U.S. education, and to GCSEs and A levels in England and Wales. Prevalence Grade inflation is often… … Wikipedia
Positive train control — (PTC) is a system of monitoring and controlling train movements to provide increased safety.OverviewThe main concept in PTC is that the train receives information about its location and where it is allowed to safely travel. Equipment on board the … Wikipedia
Grade school — Système éducatif des États Unis d Amérique Le Système éducatif des États Unis d’Amérique est décentralisé, la plupart des décisions sur les programmes et sur le financement étant prises par des instances locales : les school boards. Les… … Wikipédia en Français
Grade (education) — GPA redirects here. For other uses, see GPA (disambiguation). Academic grading Africa Egypt • Kenya • Morocc … Wikipedia
grade — 1. grade [ grad ] n. m. • 1578; it. grado, ou lat. gradus 1 ♦ Degré d une hiérarchie. ⇒ échelon. Grades de la police. Assimilation, équivalence de grades. Avancer, monter en grade (⇒ avancement, promotion) . ♢ (1798) Degré de la hiérarchie… … Encyclopédie Universelle
gradé — 1. grade [ grad ] n. m. • 1578; it. grado, ou lat. gradus 1 ♦ Degré d une hiérarchie. ⇒ échelon. Grades de la police. Assimilation, équivalence de grades. Avancer, monter en grade (⇒ avancement, promotion) . ♢ (1798) Degré de la hiérarchie… … Encyclopédie Universelle
IT Grade — refers to the International Tolerance Grade of an industrial process defined in ISO 286. [ISO Standard 286 http://www.webstore.ansi.org/RecordDetail.aspx?sku=ISO+286 1%3a1988] This grade identifies what tolerances a given process can produce for… … Wikipedia
Didi & Ditto First Grade: The Wolf King — Developer(s) Kutoka Interactive Publisher(s) Kutoka Interactive Series Didi Ditto Collection Engine … Wikipedia
Industrial-grade prime — Industrial grade primes (the term is apparently due to Henri Cohen [Chris Caldwell, [http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=PRP The Prime Glossary: probable prime ] at The Prime Pages.] ) are integers for which primality has not been… … Wikipedia
pos|i|grade — «POZ uh grayd», adjective. Aerospace. 1. having positive acceleration; going or thrusting forward: »posigrade motion, posigrade rockets. 2. of or from a posigrade rocket: »a posigrade maneuver. ╂[< posi(tive) + (retro) grade] … Useful english dictionary
high-grade lymphoma — A type of lymphoma that grows and spreads quickly, and has severe symptoms. It is seen frequently in patients who are HIV positive (AIDS related lymphoma). Also called aggressive lymphoma and intermediate grade lymphoma … English dictionary of cancer terms