porter bar
Смотреть что такое "porter bar" в других словарях:
porter bar — Porter Por ter, n. [F. porteur, fr. porter to carry, L. portare. See {Port} to carry.] 1. A carrier; one who carries or conveys burdens, luggage, etc.; for hire. [1913 Webster] 2. (Forging) A bar of iron or steel at the end of which a forging is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Porter — Por ter, n. [F. porteur, fr. porter to carry, L. portare. See {Port} to carry.] 1. A carrier; one who carries or conveys burdens, luggage, etc.; for hire. [1913 Webster] 2. (Forging) A bar of iron or steel at the end of which a forging is made;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Porter Airlines — IATA PD ICAO POE Callsign PORTER … Wikipedia
Porter Airlines — … Википедия
Porter Square — is a neighborhood of Cambridge, Massachusetts in the USA, located around the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Somerville Avenue, between Harvard and Davis Squares. The Porter Square station is one of the stops on the Red Line, and of the… … Wikipedia
Porter & Preston Scavo — Porter Preston Scavo Porter Preston Scavo Personnage de Desperate Housewives Naissance 8 ans (début saison 1) 17 ans (fin saison 4 saison 5) … Wikipédia en Français
Porter Scavo — Porter Preston Scavo Porter Preston Scavo Personnage de Desperate Housewives Naissance 8 ans (début saison 1) 17 ans (fin saison 4 saison 5) … Wikipédia en Français
Bar XH Air — ИАТА ИКАО BXH Позывной PALLISER Дата основания 1974 … Википедия
Porter H. Dale — Porter Hinman Dale (March 1, 1867 October 6, 1933) was a member of both the United States House of Representatives and later the United States Senate from Vermont.Early life and careerDale was born in Island Pond, Essex County, Vermont on March 1 … Wikipedia
Porter J. McCumber — Porter James McCumber (February 3, 1858 May 18, 1933) was a United States Senator from North Dakota. Born in Crete, Illinois, he moved with his parents to Rochester, Minnesota the same year. He attended the common schools and taught school for a… … Wikipedia
Porter Sheldon — (September 29, 1831 August 15, 1908) was a U.S. Representative from New York.Born in Victor, New York, Sheldon completed preparatory studies.He studied law.He was admitted to the bar in 1854 at Batavia, New York, and commenced practice in… … Wikipedia