- poly
1) поликристалл2) поликристаллический кремний, поликремний
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
poly(A) — poly(A) … English syllables
poly(U) — poly(U) … English syllables
poly — poly·acrylate; poly·acrylic; poly·acrylonitrile; poly·act; poly·actinal; poly·adel·phia; poly·adel·phous; poly·allel; poly·alphabetic; poly·amide; poly·amine; poly·an·dria; poly·an·dric; poly·an·drist; poly·an·dri·um; poly·an·drous; poly·an·dry;… … English syllables
poly- — ♦ Élément, du gr. polus « nombreux; abondant » (⇒ multi , pluri ). ⊗ CONTR. Mon(o) , uni . ● poly Préfixe, du grec polus, nombreux, indiquant la multiplicité. (En chimie, indique qu un composé possède plusieurs fonctions, différentes ou… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Poly — Po ly, n. [L. polium, the name of a plant, perhaps Teucrium polium, Gr. ?.] (Bot.) A whitish woolly plant ({Teucrium Polium}) of the order {Labiat[ae]}, found throughout the Mediterranean region. The name, with sundry prefixes, is sometimes given … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poly I:C — [päl′ē ī′sē′] n. 〚polyi( nosinic poly) c( ytidylic acid)〛 a synthetic RNA that promotes the production of interferon in the body * * * pol·y I:C (pŏlʹē īʹsēʹ) n. A synthetic polymer of inosine that resembles the RNA of infectious viruses and is… … Universalium
poly I:C — päl ē ī sē n a synthetic 2 stranded RNA composed of one strand of polyinosinic acid and one strand of polycytidylic acid that induces interferon formation and has been used experimentally as an anticancer and antiviral agent called also poly I·po … Medical dictionary
Poly- — Pol y [See {Full}, a.] A combining form or prefix from Gr. poly s, many; as, polygon, a figure of many angles; polyatomic, having many atoms; polychord, polyconic. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poly- — Präfix viel (z.B. polygam, Polyhistor) erw. bildg. ( ) Beschreibung von Affixen. Wurde in griechischen Entlehnungen ins Deutsche übernommen; sein Ursprung ist gr. polý. In den Fachsprachen beschränkt produktiv. ✎ Cottez (1980), 342f. griechisch… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
poly- — comb. form meaning many, much, from Gk. poly , combining form of polys much (plural polloi); cognate with L. plus, from PIE root *ple (Cf. Skt. purvi much, prayah mostly; Avestan perena , O.Pers. paru much; Gk … Etymology dictionary
poły — poły* {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}ZOB. na poły {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień