point-to-point motion

point-to-point motion
позиционное перемещение; позиционирование; рбт движение от точки к точке

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "point-to-point motion" в других словарях:

  • motion picture — motion picture, adj. 1. a sequence of consecutive pictures of objects photographed in motion by a specially designed camera (motion picture camera) and thrown on a screen by a projector (motion picture projector) in such rapid succession as to… …   Universalium

  • Motion analysis — is a topic in computer vision, image processing, and machine vision that studies methods and applications in which two or more consecutive images from an image sequences, e.g., produced by a video camera, are processed to produce information… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion planning — (a.k.a., the navigation problem , the piano mover s problem ) is a term used in robotics for the process of detailing a task into discrete motions. For example, consider navigating a mobile robot inside a building to a distant waypoint. It should …   Wikipedia

  • Motion compensation — is an algorithmic technique employed in the encoding of video data for video compression, for example in the generation of MPEG 2 files. Motion compensation describes a picture in terms of the transformation of a reference picture to the current… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion (software) — Motion Screenshot Of Motion 5 Developer(s) Apple Inc …   Wikipedia

  • Motion City Soundtrack — en live Pays d’origine Minneapolis, Minnesota …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Motion comic — est une forme de bande dessinée combinant, comme son nom l indique, la bande dessinée (comic, BD américaine) et l animation (motion, mouvement). Ce nouveau type de création provient des États Unis. En France, il est parfois nommé BD vidéo.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Motion (physics) — Motion involves change in position, such as in this perspective of rapidly leaving Yongsan Station In physics, motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time. Change in action is the result of an unbalanced force. Motion is… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion capture — Motion capture, motion tracking, or mocap are terms used to describe the process of recording movement and translating that movement on to a digital model. It is used in military, entertainment, sports, and medical applications, and for… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion graphics — are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion camouflage — is a dynamic type of camouflage by which an object can approach a target while appearing to remain stationary from the perspective of the target. The attacking object simply remains on the line between the target and some landmark point, so it… …   Wikipedia

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