
1) карман
2) гнездо; паз; выемка; углубление; ниша
3) включение; мешок; полость; каверна; раковина
4) горн. небольшая залежь
5) бункер
6) лесн. сортировочный коридор
7) лесн. кошель
8) ряж
9) (прессовая) коробка (дефибрера)
10) гнездо для балки (в каменной или кирпичной стенке)
11) ламель
12) мн. ч. ткань-мешковина
13) пакет; мешок
14) ячея (триера)
15) сетной мешок, мотня (трала)
pork chop patch pocket
accumulating pocket
air pocket
anchor pocket
bellows pocket
breast pocket
cable wedge pocket
card pocket
cavity pocket
charging pocket
clearance pocket
cooling system air pocket
crate pocket
cross pocket
dirt pocket
double-piped pocket
draft gear pocket
drip pocket
dump pocket
dust-setting pocket
dust pocket
etched pocket
flap pocket
fork truck push pocket
frog pocket
gas pocket
gum pocket
hacking flap pocket
heel pocket
hip pocket
insert pocket
inset pocket
jetted pocket
liquid pocket
mud pocket
negative pocket
nozzle pocket
oil pocket
outbreast pocket
patch pocket
pencil pocket
piling pockets
pocket of material
positive pocket
rafting pocket
reception pocket
reject pocket
ripper shank pocket
rule pocket
rust pocket
sash pocket
scale-car pocket
set-in pocket
skimming pocket
skim pocket
skip pocket
slag pocket
slash pocket
sling pocket
spring pocket
stake pocket
ticket pocket
timber pocket
tool storage pocket
truck bolster pocket
vapor pocket
vapor-pressure pocket
wall pocket
water pocket
weight pocket
welt pocket
western pocket
wide double piped pocket

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pocket" в других словарях:

  • Pocket PC — (zu dt. etwa PC für die Westentasche ) ist ein von Microsoft seit der CeBIT 2000 in Deutschland geprägter Begriff[1]. Er bezeichnet sowohl eine Reihe von PDAs, die mit dem Betriebssystem Windows Mobile (oder einem seiner Vorläufer) betrieben… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pocket — Pock et (p[o^]k [e^]t), n. [OE. poket, Prov. F. & OF. poquette, F. pochette, dim. fr. poque, pouque, F. poche; probably of Teutonic origin. See {Poke} a pocket, and cf. {Poach} to cook eggs, to plunder, and {Pouch}.] 1. A bag or pouch;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • POCKET PC — Microsoft PocketPC est le nom des OS (ou systèmes d’exploitation) de Microsoft pour assistants personnels. Microsoft Pocket PC est l’évolution des versions Windows CE. Il existe actuellement 5 grandes versions de Microsoft Pocket PC (2000,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pocket pc — Microsoft PocketPC est le nom des OS (ou systèmes d’exploitation) de Microsoft pour assistants personnels. Microsoft Pocket PC est l’évolution des versions Windows CE. Il existe actuellement 5 grandes versions de Microsoft Pocket PC (2000,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • pocket — ► NOUN 1) a small bag sewn into or on clothing, used for carrying small articles. 2) a small, isolated patch, group, or area. 3) (one s pocket) informal one s financial resources. 4) a pouch like storage compartment in a suitcase, car door, etc.… …   English terms dictionary

  • pocket — [päk′it] n. [ME poket < Anglo Fr pokete, for MFr dial. poquette, dim. of poque, poche: see POACH1] 1. Archaic a sack, esp. when used to measure something 2. a) a little bag or pouch, now usually sewn into or on clothing, for carrying money and …   English World dictionary

  • Pocket — Pock et, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pocketed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pocketing}.] 1. To put, or conceal, in the pocket; as, to pocket the change. [1913 Webster] He would pocket the expense of the license. Sterne. [1913 Webster] 2. To take clandestinely or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pocket — [pɔkɛt] n. ÉTYM. 1830, Balzac, au sens 1, in Rey Debove et Gagnon; mot angl. « poche ». ❖ ♦ Anglicisme. 1 Vx. Pocket book. 2 (Mil. XXe). Fam …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pocket — / pɑkit/, it. / pɔket/ s. ingl. [da pocket tasca ], usato in ital. al masch. (bibl.) [libro di piccolo formato, venduto generalm. a basso prezzo] ▶◀ [➨ pocket book] …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • pocket — [adj] small, portable abridged, canned, capsule, compact, concise, condensed, diminutive, epitomized, itsy bitsy*, little, midget, miniature, minute, peewee*, pint sized*, potted, tiny, wee; concept 773 Ant. big, huge, large pocket [n] cavity,… …   New thesaurus

  • Pocket — Pock et, n. Any hollow place suggestive of a pocket in form or use; specif.: (a) A bin for strong coal, grain, etc. (b) A socket for receiving the foot of a post, stake, etc. (c) A bright on a lee shore. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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