- pneumatic
1) пневматическая шина2) пневматический3) мн. ч. пневматика•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pneumatic — Pneu*mat ic, Pneumatical Pneu*mat ic*al, a. [L. pneumaticus, Gr. ?, fr. ?, ?, wind, air, ? to blow, breathe; cf. OHG. fnehan: cf. F. pneumatique. Cf. {Pneumonia}.] 1. Consisting of, or resembling, air; having the properties of an elastic fluid;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pneumatic — PNEUMÁTIC, Ă, pneumatici, ce, adj., s.f. 1. adj. (Despre maşini, aparate, utilaje etc.) Care funcţionează cu aer comprimat. ♦ Care este folosit la comprimarea sau la deplasarea aerului. 2. s.f. Parte a fizicii care studiază proprietăţile aerului… … Dicționar Român
pneumatic — [no͞o mat′ik, nyo͞omat′ik] adj. [L pneumaticus < Gr pneumatikos < pneuma, breath: see PNEUMA] 1. of or containing wind, air, or gases 2. a) filled with compressed air [pneumatic tire] b) worked by compressed air [pneumatic drill] … English World dictionary
Pneumatic — Pneu*mat ic, n. A vehicle, as a bicycle, the wheels of which are fitted with pneumatic tires. [archaic] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pneumatic — 1650s, from L. pneumaticus of the wind, belonging to the air, from Gk. pneumatikos, from pneuma (gen. pneumatos) wind, also breath, from pnein to blow, to breathe, from PIE root *pneu to breathe, of imitative origin … Etymology dictionary
pneumatic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ containing or operated by air or gas under pressure. DERIVATIVES pneumatically adverb. ORIGIN Greek pneumatikos, from pneuma wind … English terms dictionary
pneumatic — [[t]njuːmæ̱tɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n A pneumatic drill is operated by air under pressure and is very powerful. Pneumatic drills are often used for digging up roads. ...the sound of a pneumatic drill hammering away. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Pneumatic means… … English dictionary
pneumatic — pneumatically, adv. pneumaticity /nooh meuh tis i tee, nyooh /, n. /noo mat ik, nyoo /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to air, gases, or wind. 2. of or pertaining to pneumatics. 3. operated by air or by the pressure or exhaustion of air: a pneumatic… … Universalium
pneumatic — pneu|mat|ic [nju:ˈmætık US nu ] adj [usually before noun] [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: pneumaticus, from Greek, from pneuma air, breath, spirit ] 1.) technical filled with air ▪ pneumatic tyres 2.) worked by air pressure ▪ a pneumatic pump … Dictionary of contemporary English
pneumatic — pneu|mat|ic [ nu mætık ] adjective filled with COMPRESSED air or gas: pneumatic tires a. a pneumatic tool or piece of equipment works using COMPRESSED air … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pneumatic — adjective 1 technical filled with air: pneumatic tyres 2 worked by air pressure: a pneumatic pump pneumatically adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English