- ply-rating
норма слойности (шины)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
ply rating — (PR) An indication of tire strength and load carrying capacity. It does not necessarily indicate actual number of plies. A two ply four ply rating tire would have the load capacity of a four ply tire of the same size but would have only two… … Dictionary of automotive terms
ply rating — A rating used for aircraft tires to indicate their relative strength. The ply rating does not indicate the actual number of plies but rather the equivalent number of plies of cotton fabric needed to produce the same strength as the tire plies … Aviation dictionary
Ply-Rating-Zahl — [ plaɪ reɪtɪȖ , englisch], PR Zahl … Universal-Lexikon
rating — See amp/hr. rating amperage rating axle weight rating capacity rating cetane rating gross axle weight rating gross Combined Weight Rating gross Vehicle Weight Rating load rating … Dictionary of automotive terms
load rating — The maximum amount that a vehicle can carry with the tires and springs it has. Also called load index Also see carrying capacity ply rating spring booster … Dictionary of automotive terms
Tire code — Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric tire code (in American English) or tyre code (in British English, Australian English and others), which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the … Wikipedia
load range — [1] An index of tire strength which replaces the older (discontinued) ply rating system. [2] A discontinued measurement of the number of plies at which a tire is rated. Load range B equals 4 ply rating; C equals 6 ply rating; and D equals 8 ply… … Dictionary of automotive terms
tire plies — The layers of nylon, rayon, etc., cloth that are used to form the casing. Most vehicle tires are two ply with a four ply rating. Two ply indicates two layers of cloth or plies … Dictionary of automotive terms
capacity — [1] The ability to contain or hold something. [2] Maximum production attainable under normal conditions. With regard to normal conditions, the company s operating practices are to be followed with respect to the use of production facilities,… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Códigos en neumáticos — Los neumáticos son descritos por un código alfanumérico, moldeado en los flancos del neumático correspondiente. Estos códigos especifican sus dimensiones y algunas de sus limitaciones clave, tales como su capacidad de carga o velocidad máxima. A… … Wikipedia Español
Автомобильная шина — Эта статья об автомобильных пневматических шинах; для прочих значений, смотрите шина … Википедия