Смотреть что такое "plus-twos" в других словарях:
plus twos — /plus tooz/ plural noun A shorter and less baggy version of plus fours … Useful english dictionary
plus twos — plural noun a shorter version of plus fours … English new terms dictionary
Knickerbockers (clothing) — Knickerbockers This article is about clothing. For other uses, see Knickerbocker (disambiguation). Knickerbockers are men s or boys breeches or baggy kneed trousers particularly popular in the early twentieth century USA. Golfers plus twos and… … Wikipedia
Panties — are a form of underwear, usually light and snug fitting, designed to be worn by women or girls in the area directly below the waist. Typical components include an elastic waistband, a crotch panel to cover the genital area (usually lined with… … Wikipedia
Breeks — are the Scots term for trousers. It can be inferred that this relates to the Latin references to the braccae that were worn by the ancient Celts.The term breeks is often used to refer to a trouser similar to plus fours, especially when worn in… … Wikipedia
Canasta — Infobox CardGame title = Canasta subtitle = Samba, Bolivia, Hand Foot image link = image caption = Card tray with a stock and a frozen discard pile. alt names = type = Matching players = 4, in partnerships (variants exist for 2,3 and 6 players)… … Wikipedia
Big Two — Deuces redirects here. For the Chris Brown song, see Deuces (song). For other meanings see Big Two (disambiguation). Big Two Origin Chinese Alternative name(s) … Wikipedia
Paskahousu — Infobox CardGame title =Paskahousu subtitle = Valepaska, Pöytäpaska image link = image caption = alt names = Paska, Hönö type = Shedding type players = 3 6 ages = num cards = 52 deck = Anglo American play = Clockwise card rank = A K Q J 10 9 8 7… … Wikipedia
Liar's dice — A set of Poker dice as used in Liar dice (individual hand). Liar s dice, or Liar dice, with roots originating in South America and popularized in early Spanish History, was brought to Spain by the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro during the… … Wikipedia
Tressette — or Tresette is an Italian card game, played with a standard Italian 40 card deck. There are many variants depending on the region of Italy the game is played in. GameplayThe cards are ranked as follows from highest to lowest: 3 2 Ace King Knight… … Wikipedia
Trex (card game) — Trex is a trick taking card game that is played by four people. The game takes on a cycle style in which there are four cycles with each cycle consisting of five games. Each cycle is called a Kingdom in reference to the fact that in each cycle… … Wikipedia