- plotting chart
1) возд. карта прокладки курса2) мор. путевая карта
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
plotting chart — A chart designed for a graphical method of navigation … Aviation dictionary
aeronautical plotting chart — oro navigacijos kurso žymėjimo žemėlapis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Žemėlapis, sudarytas oro navigacijos procesams grafiškai vaizduoti. atitikmenys: angl. aeronautical plotting chart pranc. carte de tracé de route aéronautique ryšiai:… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nautical plotting chart — kontūrinis navigacinis jūrlapis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Jūrlapis be hidrografinės informacijos, neturintis jokio apibrėžto mastelio ir projekcijos. Paprastai jame būna atvaizduotas dienovidinių ir lygiagrečių tinklas bei kompaso… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nautical plotting chart — An outline chart, devoid of hydrographic information, of a specific scale and projection, usually portraying a graticule and compass rose, designed to be ancillary to standard nautical charts, and produced either as an individual chart or a part… … Military dictionary
aeronautical plotting chart — A chart designed for the graphical processes of navigation … Military dictionary
chart — 1. A recording of clinical data relating to a patient s case. 2. SYN: curve (2). 3. In optics, symbols of graduated size for measuring visual acuity, or test types for determining far or near vision. See … Medical dictionary
plotting — plÉ‘t /plÉ’t n. chart, graph; scheme, design; main story of a literary work; conspiracy, intrigue; tract of land; small piece of land in a cemetery v. place data into a table; scheme, conspire, intrigue; represent on a chart or graph; devise a… … English contemporary dictionary
plotting sheet — Navig. a blank chart having only a compass rose and latitude lines, longitude lines, or both, marked and annotated, as required, by a navigator. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
plotting sheet — Navig. a blank chart having only a compass rose and latitude lines, longitude lines, or both, marked and annotated, as required, by a navigator. [1925 30] … Useful english dictionary
p-chart — Originally proposed by Walter A. Shewhart Process observations Rational subgroup size n > 1 Measurement type Fraction nonconforming in a sample Quality characteristic type Attributes d … Wikipedia
Shewhart individuals control chart — Individuals and moving range control chart Originally proposed by Walter A. Shewhart Process observations Rational subgroup size n = 1 Measurement type Average quality characteristic per unit Quality characteristic type … Wikipedia