plenum chamber

plenum chamber
1) камера давления
2) сборный ресивер (в системах сжатого воздуха)
3) метал. газовая камера (сушильной установки)
4) авто полость (объём) с повышенным давлением газа

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "plenum chamber" в других словарях:

  • Plenum chamber — A plenum chamber is a pressurised housing containing a gas or fluid (typically air) at positive pressure (pressure higher than surroundings). One function of the plenum can be to equalise pressure for more even distribution, because of irregular… …   Wikipedia

  • plenum chamber — A component of a jet engine designed to hold air at a pressure slightly higher than that of the surrounding air. Plenum chambers stabilize the pressure of the air before it enters the compressor …   Aviation dictionary

  • plenum chamber — [1] A large cast alloy body in an induction system which connects the throttle body or inlet tube to the cylinder head(s) or inlet manifold. [2] The air compartment in a car body formed between the scuttle and the bulkhead, providing a basis for… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • plenum chamber — noun A pressurised housing …   Wiktionary

  • plenum chamber burning — An afterburner added to the bypass duct of a turbofan engine. In the first case of its type, reheat was added to the forward pair of vectored thrust nozzles of the Pegasus engine fitted on the Harrier aircraft. Also known as duct burning …   Aviation dictionary

  • Plenum — may refer to:* Plenum chamber, a chamber intended to contain air, gas, or liquid at positive pressure * Plenism, or Horror vacui ( nature abhors a vacuum ) * Plenum, a meeting of a deliberative assembly in which all members are present; contrast… …   Wikipedia

  • plenum ventilation — noun : a system of ventilation that applies the motive force at the inlets, drives the air through the rooms which become plenums, and avoids the incoming of cold drafts * * * a system of mechanical ventilation in which fresh air is forced into… …   Useful english dictionary

  • chamber — [1] A pressure chamber used to vulcanize pre cured tread stock to the buffed casing. [2] A compartment which is basically empty or hollow. Also see climatic chamber combustion chamber exhaust chamber fireball combustion chamber float chamber gas… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • plenum ventilation — a system of mechanical ventilation in which fresh air is forced into the spaces to be ventilated from a chamber (plenum chamber) at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric pressure, so as to expel foul air. [1835 45] * * * …   Universalium

  • chamber — cham·ber n 1: a judge s office; specif: the private office where a judge carries on business other than court sessions (as conferences or signing papers) usu. used in pl. four other judges met in my chambers R. H. Bork a hearing in chambers 2 a:… …   Law dictionary

  • plenum — index body (collection), chamber (body), corpus, meeting (conference), quorum, session …   Law dictionary

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