plated fabric

plated fabric
платированное трикотажное полотно

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "plated fabric" в других словарях:

  • plated — /play tid/, adj. 1. coated with a thin film of gold, silver, etc., as for ornamental purposes. 2. covered or overlaid with metal plates for protection. 3. (of a knitted fabric) made of two yarns, as wool on the face and cotton on the back. [1475… …   Universalium

  • plated — /ˈpleɪtəd/ (say playtuhd) adjective (of a knitted fabric) made of two yarns, as wool on the face and cotton on the back. {plate1 + ed2} …  

  • List of fashion topics — This is a list of topics related to fashion, many of which do not yet have Wikipedia articles. NOTOC 0 9 1300 1400 in fashion 1500 1550 in fashion 1600 1650 in fashion 1700 1750 in fashion 1795 1820 in fashion 20th century fashion A A line A line …   Wikipedia

  • plat|ed — «PLAY tihd», adjective. 1. having one yarn on the face and another kind on the back: »plated fabric. 2. overlaid with plates, as of metal, for protection or ornament. 3. overlaid with a coating or surface of a material more valuable than the body …   Useful english dictionary

  • TABERNACLE — (Lat. tabernaculum, tent ; taberna, hut ; the word renders the Heb. mishkan), the portable sanctuary constructed by the Children of Israel in the wilderness at the command of God. (The word has no connection with the Festival of Tabernacles –… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • DeLorean DMC-12 — 1981 DeLorean DMC 12 Manufacturer DeLorean Motor Company Production 1981–1982 Assembly …   Wikipedia

  • furniture — furnitureless, adj. /ferr ni cheuhr/, n. 1. the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like. 2. fittings, apparatus, or necessary accessories for something. 3. equipment for …   Universalium

  • List of Mini limited editions — Decals on the British Open limited edition Mini The Mini was offered in a number of limited editions that usually included a special combination of trim and badging, but some also included mechanical upgrades. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Knitting machine — The knitting machine, sometimes called knitting frame, knitting loom,or hand knitting machine, is used to produce knit fabrics on a fixedbed of hooked needles. Knitting machines can be hand powered or motor assisted.Pattern stitches can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Assuit — Tulle bi telli, which is frequently called Assuit (or Asyut, Assyut, Assiut, and other variations), is a textile marrying cotton or linen mesh with small strips of metal. Tulle bi telli translates roughly as net with metal, but it looks much… …   Wikipedia

  • Mail (armour) — Chainmail redirects here. For other uses, see Chainmail (disambiguation). Maille redirects here. For one of several French villages, see Maillé (disambiguation). Maille redirects here. For the French mustard company, see Maille (company). Riveted …   Wikipedia

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