- plate stock
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Stock car racing — is a form of automobile racing found mainly in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Great Britain. The races are run on oval rings of approximately one quarter mile to 2.66 miles (about 0.4 to 4.2 kilometres) length, but are also raced on… … Wikipedia
stock — n 1 a: the equipment, materials, or supplies of a business b: a store or supply accumulated; esp: the inventory of the goods of a merchant or manufacturer 2: the ownership element in a corporation usu. divided into shares and represented by… … Law dictionary
plate — [plāt] n. [OFr, flat object < fem. of plat, flat < VL * plattus < Gr platys, broad, flat: see PLATY ] 1. a smooth, flat, relatively thin piece of metal or other material 2. a sheet of metal made by beating, rolling, or casting 3. a) any… … English World dictionary
Stock — Über Stock und Stein: über alle Unebenheiten hinweg. Die stabreimende Redensart hat sich noch in einem Kinderlied erhalten:{{ppd}} {{ppd}} Hopp, hopp, hopp,{{ppd}} Pferdchen, lauf Galopp,{{ppd}} Über Stock und über Steine.{{ppd}} {{ppd}} … Das Wörterbuch der Idiome
stock — /stɒk / (say stok) noun 1. an aggregate of goods kept on hand by a merchant, business firm, manufacturer, etc., for the supply of customers. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. → livestock. 4. →… …
Stock Car — Das Logo der NASCAR Serie. NASCAR Rennen auf dem Texas Motor Speedway 2008 Die NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) ist ein großer … Deutsch Wikipedia
plate budding — noun : plant budding in which a rectangular scion with bud is inserted under a longitudinal flap of bark on the stock in such a manner as to cover the exposed wood on the stock … Useful english dictionary
Irish Stock Exchange — Brand Identity … Wikipedia
Film stock — This focuses on motion picture film. For still photography film, see photographic film. A film strip Film stock is photographic film on which filmmaking of motion pictures are shot and reproduced. The equivalent in television production is video… … Wikipedia
Vehicle registration plate — A vehicle registration plate is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle or trailer for official identification purposes. The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the vehicle within the… … Wikipedia
Vanity plate — U.S. President Ronald Reagan s vanity plate, displayed at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library A vanity plate or personalized plate (U.S.), prestige plate, private number plate, or personalised registration (UK) or custom plate or personalised… … Wikipedia