ball race

ball race
кольцо шарикоподшипника; беговая дорожка шарикоподшипника

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "ball race" в других словарях:

  • ball race — noun : one of the races in a ball bearing * * * ball race, the track, groove, or race in which the balls of a ball bearing run. * * * n. Mechanics either of the components of a ball bearing that have ring shaped grooves in which the balls run …   Useful english dictionary

  • ball nut — noun : a nut having ball bearings that run (as in a ball race) between its threads and those of the screw it engages …   Useful english dictionary

  • Race Driver: GRID — Разработчик Codemasters Firebrand Games (Nintendo DS) Издатель …   Википедия

  • ball bearing — ball bearing, adj. Mach. 1. a bearing consisting of a number of hard balls running in grooves in the surfaces of two concentric rings, one of which is mounted on a rotating or oscillating shaft or the like. 2. any of the balls so used. [1880 85]… …   Universalium

  • race-ball — raceˈ ball noun A ball held in connection with a race meeting • • • Main Entry: ↑race …   Useful english dictionary

  • Race (Kant) — Race ist ein Begriff des Philosophen der Aufklärung Immanuel Kant. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriffsbestimmung 2 Das Race Konzept innerhalb von Kants Anthropologie und seine Rezeption 3 Einordnung in Kants Gesamtwerk 4 Werke …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Race Driver: GRID — Race Driver GRID Éditeur Codemasters Développeur Codemast …   Wikipédia en Français

  • race — race1 [rās] n. [ME (North) ras(e) < ON rās, a running, rush, akin to OE ræs, swift movement, attack < IE * eras , to flow, move rapidly < base * er , *or , to set in motion > RUN, ORIENT] 1. a competition of speed in running, skating …   English World dictionary

  • race — Ⅰ. race [1] ► NOUN 1) a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is fastest over a set course. 2) (the races) a series of races for horses or dogs, held at a fixed time on a set course. 3) a situation in which people… …   English terms dictionary

  • Ball bearing — For individual balls that are sometimes called ball bearings , see Ball (bearing). Working principle for a ball bearing …   Wikipedia

  • race — race1 /rays/, n., v., raced, racing. n. 1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing. 2. races, a series of races, usually of horses or dogs, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races. 3. any… …   Universalium

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