- piperazine
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Piperazine — Piperazine[1] … Wikipedia
Piperazine — Pipérazine Pipérazine Structure de la pipérazine Général Nom IUPAC Pipérazine … Wikipédia en Français
Pipérazine — Structure de la pipérazine Général Nom IUPAC Pipérazine … Wikipédia en Français
pipérazine — ● pipérazine nom féminin Dénomination courante de l hexahydropyrazine. (Longtemps employée dans le traitement de la goutte et de la lithiase urique, la pipérazine est utilisée actuellement pour le traitement des parasitoses intestinales dues aux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Piperazine — Pi*per a*zine, n. Also zin zin . [Piperidine + azote + ine.] (Chem.) A crystalline substance, {(C2H4NH)2}, formed by action of ammonia on ethylene bromide, by reduction of pyrazine, etc. It is a strong base, and is used as a remedy for gout.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
piperazine — [pi per′ə zēn΄, pīper′ə zēn΄; pi per′əzin, pī per′əzin; pip′ər əzēn, pip′ər əzin] n. [ PIPER(INE) + AZ + INE3] a crystalline compound, (C2H4NH) 2, used in treating worm infestations, in insecticides, etc … English World dictionary
piperazine — piperazinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Heterociklinis junginys. formulė Formulę žr. priede. priedas( ai) Grafinis formatas atitikmenys: angl. piperazine rus. пиперазин ryšiai: sinonimas – heksahidropirazinas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
piperazine citrate — [USP] the citrate salt of piperazine, used in treatment of intestinal roundworm and pinworm infections; administered orally … Medical dictionary
piperazine phosphate — the phosphate salt of piperazine, used in treatment of intestinal roundworm and trematode infections … Medical dictionary
piperazine — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary piperidine + azine Date: 1889 a crystalline heterocyclic base C4H10N2 used especially as an anthelmintic … New Collegiate Dictionary
piperazine — /pi per euh zeen , zin, puy , pip euhr euh /, n. Chem. 1. Also called piperazidine /pip euh raz i deen , din, puy peuh /. a colorless, crystalline, deliquescent ring compound, C4H10N2, prepared by the reaction of ethylene bromide or ethylene… … Universalium