- pipeline(d) processing
конвейерная обработка (данных)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pipeline (Unix) — In Unix like computer operating systems, a pipeline is the original software pipeline : a set of processes chained by their standard streams, so that the output of each process ( stdout ) feeds directly as input ( stdin ) of the next one. Each… … Wikipedia
Pipeline (software) — In software engineering, a pipeline consists of a chain of processing elements (processes, threads, coroutines, etc .), arranged so that the output of each element is the input of the next. Usually some amount of buffering is provided between… … Wikipedia
Pipeline — may refer to:* Classic RISC pipeline, a five stage hardware based computer instruction set. * Pipeline transport, a conduit made from pipes connected end to end for long distance fluid transport * Plastic pressure pipeline, for fluid handling *… … Wikipedia
Pipeline forwarding — (PF) applies to packet forwarding in computer networks the basic concept of pipelining , which has been widely and successfully used in computing specifically, in the architecture of all major central processing units (CPUs) and manufacturing… … Wikipedia
pipeline — /puyp luyn /, n., v., pipelined, pipelining. n. 1. a long tubular conduit or series of pipes, often underground, with pumps and valves for flow control, used to transport crude oil, natural gas, water, etc., esp. over great distances. 2. a route … Universalium
Pipeline (computing) — In computing, a pipeline is a set of data processing elements connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time sliced fashion; in that case,… … Wikipedia
Pipeline transport — An elevated section of the Alaska Pipeline … Wikipedia
Pipeline, gathering — A pipeline that conveys gas from a production well/field to a gas processing plant or transmission pipeline for eventual delivery to end use consumers. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Pipeline — A line of pipe with pumping machinery and apparatus (including valves, compressor units, metering stations, regulator stations, etc.) for conveying a liquid or gas. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms *** (natural gas)… … Energy terms
pipeline — n. 1 a long, usu. underground, pipe for conveying esp. oil. 2 a channel supplying goods, information, etc. Phrases and idioms: in the pipeline awaiting completion or processing … Useful english dictionary
pipeline — n. tube, pipe; series of connected pipes; path along which data is transferred within the central processing unit (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary