pipe wrench
Смотреть что такое "pipe wrench" в других словарях:
Pipe wrench — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pipe-wrench — pipeˈ wrench noun A wrench that grips a pipe when turned one way • • • Main Entry: ↑pipe … Useful english dictionary
pipe wrench — n. any of several types of wrench, including the Stillson wrench, used to grip and turn pipes and other cylindrical objects … English World dictionary
pipe wrench — pipe′ wrench n. mac bui a tool having two toothed jaws, one fixed and the other free, that can be adjusted to grip pipes and other tubular objects when the tool is turned in one direction only • Etymology: 1885–1890 … From formal English to slang
Pipe wrench — The pipe wrench, or Stillson wrench is an adjustable wrench used for turning soft iron pipes and fittings with a rounded surface. The design of the adjustable jaw allows it to rock in the frame, such that any forward pressure on the handle tends… … Wikipedia
pipe wrench — noun adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe; has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe • Syn: ↑tube wrench • Hypernyms: ↑adjustable wrench, ↑adjustable spanner • Hyponyms: ↑chain tongs, ↑Stillson wre … Useful english dictionary
pipe wrench — An adjustable wrench with serrated jaws. The most common type of pipe wrench is the so called Stilison wrench. Also called a monkey wrench. Also see chain pipe wrench … Dictionary of automotive terms
Pipe Wrench (cocktail) — WPMIXInfobox iba = no name = Pipe Wrench caption = The Pipe Wrench was named for its strong intoxicating effects, and as a pun on the inventor s name. type = cocktail flaming = vodka = tequila = rum = beer = yes gin = yes triplesec = served =… … Wikipedia
pipe wrench — noun An adjustable wrench (British spanner) with a toothed jaw for gripping pipe, frequently used by a plumber or pipe fitter, to loosen and tighten pipes with threaded connections. Syn: Stillsons, Stillson wrench, monkey wrench … Wiktionary
pipe wrench — noun Date: circa 1875 a wrench for gripping and turning a cylindrical object (as a pipe) usually by use of two serrated jaws so designed as to grip the pipe when turning in one direction only … New Collegiate Dictionary
pipe wrench — /ˈpaɪp rɛntʃ/ (say puyp rench) noun a wrench for gripping and turning a pipe, and usually having serrated jaws to exert purchase in one direction only …