- pinch-off voltage
напряжение отсечки (полевого транзистора)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
JFET — The junction gate field effect transistor (JFET or JUGFET) is the simplest type of field effect transistor. Like other transistors, it can be used as an electronically controlled switch. It is also used as a voltage controlled resistance. An… … Wikipedia
напряжение отсечки (полевого транзистора) — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN pinch off voltage … Справочник технического переводчика
MOSFET — Two power MOSFETs in the surface mount package D2PAK. Operating as switches, each of these components can sustain a blocking voltage of 120 volts in the OFF state, and can conduct a continuous current of 30 amperes in the ON state, dissipating up … Wikipedia
Channel length modulation — Cross section of a MOSFET operating in the saturation region One of several short channel effects in MOSFET scaling, channel length modulation (CLM) is a shortening of the length of the inverted channel region with increase in drain bias for… … Wikipedia
Field-effect transistor — FET redirects here. For other uses, see FET (disambiguation). High power N channel field effect transistor The field effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that relies on an electric field to control the shape and hence the conductivity of a… … Wikipedia
Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter-Feldeffekttransistor — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) gehört zu den Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate, auch als IGFET bezeichnet. Er ist den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
electron tube — an electronic device that consists, typically, of a sealed glass bulb containing two or more electrodes: used to generate, amplify, and rectify electric oscillations and alternating currents. Also called electronic tube. Cf. gas tube, vacuum tube … Universalium
nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… … Universalium
Lambda diode — The term refers to the shape of the V/I curve of the device, which resembles the Greek letter λ (lambda) .Lambda diodes work at higher voltage than tunnel diodes. Whereas a typical tunnel diode [ [http://www.datasheetarchive.com/pdf/84703.pdf… … Wikipedia
Referenzspannungsquelle — Eine Referenzspannungsquelle ist eine Spannungsquelle, deren Spannung als Referenz für einen Mess oder Regelungsprozess herangezogen wird. In der Regel besitzen Referenzspannungen eine konstruktionsbedingt feste Spannung. Je nach innerem Aufbau… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gas metal arc welding — RMD redirects here. RMD may also refer to IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Gas metal arc welding … Wikipedia