pile foundation

pile foundation
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pile foundation" в других словарях:

  • Pile — may refer to:*Pile foundation, type of deep foundation *Pile (textile), fabric with raised surface made of upright loops or strands of yarn ** Carpet pile * Nuclear pile, early term for a nuclear reactor, typically one constructed of graphite *… …   Wikipedia

  • pile — pile1 /puyl/, n., v., piled, piling. n. 1. an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other: a pile of papers; a pile of bricks. 2. Informal. a large number, quantity, or amount of anything: a pile of work. 3. a heap of wood on which a… …   Universalium

  • Pile driver — A pile driver is a mechanical device used to drive piles into soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures. The term is also used in reference to members of the construction crew that work with pile driving rigs.One… …   Wikipedia

  • Pile bridge — A pile bridge is a structure that uses foundations consisting of long poles (referred to as piles), which are made of wood, concrete or steel and which are hammered into the soft soils beneath the bridge until the end of the pile reaches a hard… …   Wikipedia

  • pile — I [[t]paɪl[/t]] n. v. piled, pil•ing 1) an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other: a pile of papers[/ex] 2) inf a large number, quantity, or amount of anything: a pile of work[/ex] 3) a heap of wood on which a dead body, a living… …   From formal English to slang

  • Pile cap — A pile cap is a thick concrete floor that rests on piles. It is part of the foundation of a building, typically a multi storey building. The pile cap distributes the load from the pillars to the piles. A similar structure to a pile cap is a raft …   Wikipedia

  • pile — I 1. noun 1) a pile of stones Syn: heap, stack, mound, pyramid, mass, quantity; collection, accumulation, assemblage, store, stockpile, hoard 2) informal I ve got a pile of work to do Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • pile driver — 1. noun a) A machine for forcing a pile, a long beam, into the ground as part of the construction of a foundation; usually by raising a weight and then dropping it on the beam. She sure is a pile driver b) A person who …   Wiktionary

  • pile — I n 1. heap, stack, mass, accumulation, bulk, drift, cumulus; hoard, store, stock, stockpile, supply, lump, deposit, swell, mound, tumulus; bank, hillock, hummock, hill, mountain; bale, bundle, cock, shock, rick, mow; load, barrow, cartload,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • foundation — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. base; basis; endow ment; institution. See support, party, cause, preparation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [An intellectual basis] Syn. reason, justification, grounds; see basis 1 . 2. [A physical basis] Syn …   English dictionary for students

  • Deep foundation — A deep foundation installation for a bridge in Napa, California, United States …   Wikipedia

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