- pile bridge
свайно-эстакадный мост
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pile bridge — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile bridge — A pile bridge is a structure that uses foundations consisting of long poles (referred to as piles), which are made of wood, concrete or steel and which are hammered into the soft soils beneath the bridge until the end of the pile reaches a hard… … Wikipedia
pile bridge — noun : a bridge supported by pile bents … Useful english dictionary
Pile — Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile cap — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile driver — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile dwelling — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile engine — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pile plank — Pile Pile, n. [AS. p[=i]l arrow, stake, L. pilum javelin; but cf. also L. pila pillar.] 1. A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pile — 1. noun /paɪl/ a) The head of an arrow or spear. a pile of stones b) A large stake, or piece of pointed timber, steel etc., driven into the earth or sea bed for the support of a building, a pier, or other superstructure, or … Wiktionary
pile — pile1 [pīl] n. [ME < MFr < L pila, pillar] 1. a mass of things heaped together; heap 2. a heap of wood or other combustible material on which a corpse or sacrifice is burned 3. a large building or group of buildings 4. Informal a) a large… … English World dictionary