picture transmission

picture transmission
передача изображения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "picture transmission" в других словарях:

  • Automatic Picture Transmission — The Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) system is an analog image transmission system developed for use on weather satellites. It was introduced in the 1960s and over four decades has provided image data to relatively low cost user stations at… …   Wikipedia

  • Low Rate Picture Transmission — The Low Rate Picture Transmission (LRPT) is a digital transmission system, intended to deliver images and data from an orbital weather satellite directly to end users via a VHF radio signal. It is used aboard polar orbiting, near Earth weather… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic Picture Transmission — La norme Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) est un système de transmission d images analogiques utilisé par les satellites météorologiques et par le Radiofacsimilé. Il a été inventé dans les années 1960. Portail des télécommunications …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Picture Transfer Protocol — (PTP) is a widely supported protocol developed by the International Imaging Industry Association to allow the transfer of images from digital cameras to computers and other peripheral devices without the need of additional device drivers. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Picture Transfer Protocol — (PTP) est un protocole développé par l International Imaging Industry Association pour permettre le transfert d images depuis un appareil photo numérique (APN) sur un ordinateur. Ce protocole a été standardisé en tant que ISO 15740. Il a été de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transmission line — This article is about the radio frequency transmission line. For the power transmission line, see electric power transmission. In communications and electronic engineering, a transmission line is a specialized cable designed to carry alternating… …   Wikipedia

  • Picture archiving and communication system — An image as stored on a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) The same image following contrast adjustment, sha …   Wikipedia

  • Transmission (mechanics) — Gearbox redirects here. For the video game developer, see Gearbox Software. 5 speed gearbox + reverse, the 1600 Volkswagen Golf (2009). A machine consists of a power source and a power transmission system, which provides controlled application of …   Wikipedia

  • Transmission of Greek philosophical ideas in the Middle Ages — The introduction of Greek philosophy and science into the culture of the Latin West in the Middle Ages was an event that transformed the intellectual life of Western Europe. It consisted of the discovery of many original works, such as those… …   Wikipedia

  • Picture element — Pixel, Bildpunkt, Bildzelle oder Bildelement (selten Pel) bezeichnet sowohl die kleinste Einheit einer digitalen Rastergrafik als auch deren Darstellung auf einem Bildschirm mit Rasteransteuerung. „Pixel“ (Nominativ Singular: das Pixel; Genitiv:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Picture archiving and communication system — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pacs (homonymie). Écran large permettant de consulter les dossiers patients dans un système PACS. Le PACS (système d archivage …   Wikipédia en Français

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