pickup cartridge

pickup cartridge
головка звукоснимателя

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pickup cartridge" в других словарях:

  • pickup cartridge — noun : a usually removable portion of a phonograph pickup containing the stylus and the mechanism for converting stylus motion into an electrical voltage …   Useful english dictionary

  • cartridge — Pickup Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pickup — Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pickup truck — Pickup Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pickup — ► NOUN 1) (also pickup truck) a small van or truck with low sides. 2) an act of picking up or collecting a person or goods. 3) an improvement. 4) a device on an electric guitar which converts sound vibrations into electrical signals for… …   English terms dictionary

  • cartridge — [kär′trij] n. [altered < CARTOUCHE] 1. a cylindrical case of cardboard, metal, etc. containing the charge and primer, and usually the projectile, for a firearm 2. any of various small containers, holding a supply of material for a larger… …   English World dictionary

  • cartridge — Synonyms and related words: Gramophone, PA, PA system, Victrola, audio sound system, audiophile, backing, ball cartridge, bibliofilm, binaural system, bipack, bitch box, black and white film, blank cartridge, bullhorn, cartouche, cassette,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pickup — noun 1. a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑pickup truck • Hypernyms: ↑truck, ↑motortruck • Hyponyms: ↑technical 2. a warr …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pickup (music technology) — For phonograph pickup, see Magnetic cartridge. For other uses, see Pickup disambiguation page. Three magnetic pickups on a Peavey Raptor with the pickup configuration of a fat strat (H S S). The bridge (right) pickup is a humbucker and the neck… …   Wikipedia

  • Cartridge (electronics) — In various types of electronic equipment, a cartridge can refer one method of adding different functionality or content (e.g. a video game cartridge), or a method by which consumables may be replenished (e.g. an ink cartridge for a printer). The… …   Wikipedia

  • cartridge — /kahr trij/, n. 1. Also called cartouche. a cylindrical case of pasteboard, metal, or the like, for holding a complete charge of powder, and often also the bullet or the shot for a rifle, machine gun, or other small arm. 2. a case containing any… …   Universalium

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