pickle solution

pickle solution
тузлук; рассол; маринад

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pickle solution" в других словарях:

  • pickle — [pik′əl] n. [ME pikil < MDu pekel < ? picken, to prick, in sense “that which pricks, or is piquant”] 1. any brine, vinegar, or spicy solution used to preserve or marinate food 2. a vegetable, specif. a cucumber, preserved in such a solution …   English World dictionary

  • Pickle — Pic kle, n. [Cf. D. pekel. Probably a dim. fr. {Pick}, v. t., alluding to the cleaning of the fish.] 1. (a) A solution of salt and water, in which fish, meat, etc., may be preserved or corned; brine. (b) Vinegar, plain or spiced, used for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pickle — pickle1 /pik euhl/, n., v., pickled, pickling. n. 1. a cucumber that has been preserved in brine, vinegar, or the like. 2. Often, pickles. any other vegetable, as cauliflower, celery, etc., preserved in vinegar and eaten as a relish. 3. something …   Universalium

  • pickle — I. noun Etymology: Middle English pykyl, pekill sauce, gravy, from or akin to Middle Dutch peeckel brine Date: 15th century 1. a solution or bath for preserving or cleaning: as a. a brine or vinegar solution in which foods are preserved b. any of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pickle — 1. noun a) A cucumber preserved in a solution, usually a brine or a vinegar syrup. A pickle goes well with a hamburger. b) (Often in plural: pickles), any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish …   Wiktionary

  • pickle — noun 1》 a relish consisting of vegetables or fruit preserved in vinegar, brine, or mustard.     ↘N. Amer. a cucumber preserved in this way.     ↘liquid used to preserve food or other perishable items. 2》 (a pickle) informal a difficult situation …   English new terms dictionary

  • pickle — /ˈpɪkəl / (say pikuhl) noun 1. (often plural) vegetables, as cucumbers, onions, cauliflowers, etc., preserved in vinegar, brine, etc., and eaten as a relish. 2. anything preserved in a pickling liquid. 3. a liquid or marinade prepared with salt… …  

  • pickle — n. & v. n. 1 a (often in pl.) food, esp. vegetables, preserved in brine, vinegar, mustard, etc. and used as a relish. b the brine, vinegar, etc. in which food is preserved. 2 colloq. a plight (a fine pickle we are in!). 3 Brit. colloq. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pickle — pick•le [[t]ˈpɪk əl[/t]] n. v. led, ling 1) coo a cucumber that has been preserved and flavored in brine, vinegar, or the like 2) any other vegetable, as cauliflower, preserved in vinegar and eaten as a relish 3) any food preserved in a brine or… …   From formal English to slang

  • pickle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. preserve, salt, corn, brine, marinate. See preservation, sourness. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A preservative solution] Syn. solution, alcohol, formaldehyde solution; see brine , vinegar . 2. [A relish] …   English dictionary for students

  • pickle —    An acid solution in which to soak metals either to clean them or to achieve an artificial patina. Many metals, including bronze and silver, when newly cast are covered with oxides which are easily removed by pickling …   Glossary of Art Terms

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