- phthalocyanine
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Phthalocyanine — Phthalocyanine[1] Other names Phthalocyanin … Wikipedia
Phthalocyanine — Phthalocyanine, Singular Phthalocyanin, Gruppe von synthetischen Farbstoffen, die aus einer stickstoffhaltigen makrozyklischen Verbindung bestehen, in der sich meist ein Metallatom in chelatartiger Bindung befindet. Phthalocyanine werden z. B.… … Universal-Lexikon
phthalocyanine — [thal΄ə sī′ə nēn΄, thal΄ō sī′ənin; fthal΄sī′ə nēn΄] n. [< PHTHALIC (ACID) + CYAN + INE3] 1. a blue green organic compound, (C6H4C2N) 4N4 2. any of a group of brilliant, green or blue pigments that are metal, esp. copper, derivatives of this… … English World dictionary
phthalocyanine — |thalō+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phthal + cyanine 1. or phthalocyanine blue G : a bright greenish blue crystalline compound C32H18N8 related to porphin called also metal free phthalocyanine; … Useful english dictionary
phthalocyanine — /thal euh suy euh neen , nin, fthal /, n. Chem. 1. Also called metal free phthalocyanine. a blue green pigment, C32H18N8, derived from phthalic anhydride. 2. any of the group of blue or green pigments produced by the interaction of metal free… … Universalium
phthalocyanine — phthal•o•cy•a•nine [[t]ˌθæl əˈsaɪ əˌnin, nɪn, ˌfθæl [/t]] n. chem. any of a group of blue green pigments, esp. C32H18N8 (metal free phthalocyanine), used to make enamels, printing inks, and automotive finishes. • Etymology: 1930–35;… … From formal English to slang
phthalocyanine — ftalocianinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Heterociklinis junginys. formulė C₃₂H₁₈N₈ atitikmenys: angl. phthalocyanine rus. фталоцианин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Phthalocyanine Blue BN — Phthalo Blue Color coordinates Hex triplet #000f89 RGBB (r … Wikipedia
Phthalocyanine Green G — infobox color|textcolor=white title= Phthalo Green hex= 123524 r= 18|g= 53|b= 36 c= 82|m= 51|y= 80|k= 64 h=151|s= 66|v= 21 spelling=colour source= [http://tx4.us/mr/mr12.htm The Mother of All HTML Colo(u)r Charts] Phthalocyanine Green G, also… … Wikipedia
phthalocyanine green — noun or phthalocyanine green G : a green pigment that is made by passing chlorine into a melt containing the copper derivative of phthalocyanine and aluminum chloride until it is almost completely chlorinated and that is used similarly to… … Useful english dictionary
phthalocyanine blue — noun or phthalocyanine blue B : a blue pigment used chiefly in printing ink especially for outdoor use, in roofing shingles, and in paint for automobiles; the copper derivative of phthalocyanine see dye table I (under Pigment Blue 15) * * * a… … Useful english dictionary