- photoswitch
1) фотореле2) фототиристор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Photoswitch — A photoswitch is a kind of sensor that detects the presence of light, generally in a certain wavelength. Photoswitches are used for numerous scientific and manufacturing applications. They are also commonly used in residential areas to turn… … Wikipedia
photoswitch — noun a) A switch that is activated by light b) A compound whose structure is changed, and whose function is activated by light … Wiktionary
Light-gated ion channel — Light gated ion channels are a group of transmembrane proteins that form ion channels; pores which open or close in response to light. Most light gated ion channels have been synthesized in the laboratory for study, though one naturally occurring … Wikipedia
List of sensors — * Accelerometer * Touch sensor * Active pixel sensor * Air flow meter * Alarm sensor * Bedwetting alarm * Bhangmeter * Biochip * Biosensor * Breathalyzer * Capacitance probe * Carbon paste electrode * Carbon monoxide detector * Catadioptric… … Wikipedia
Photochromie — Unter Photochromie versteht man die lichtinduzierte reversible Umwandlung zweier Spezies ineinander unter Änderung des Absorptionsspektrums sowie damit einhergehend ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften. Die Rückreaktion kann dabei thermisch (T Typ… … Deutsch Wikipedia
photoswitchable — adjective foʊtoʊˈswɪtʃəbl Capable of being photoswitched, or switched by an optical signal. See Also: photoswitching, photoswitch … Wiktionary
PSPS — Planar Silicon PhotoSwitch ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
PSPS — Planar Silicon PhotoSwitch ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z