- photolyze
подвергать фотолизу
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
photolyze — transitive verb ( lyzed; lyzing) Date: 1936 to cause to undergo photolysis • photolyzable adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
photolyze — photolyzation, n. /foht l uyz /, v., photolyzed, photolyzing. Chem. v.t. 1. to break down molecules with light. v.i. 2. to experience photolysis. Also, esp. Brit., photolyse. [1935 40; PHOTO(LYSIS) + lyze, on the model of ANALYSIS, ANALYZE] * * * … Universalium
photolyze — pho·to·lyze or chiefly Brit pho·to·lyse fōt əl .īz vb, lyzed or chiefly Brit lysed; lyz·ing or chiefly Brit lys·ing vt to cause to undergo photolysis vi to undergo photolysis pho·to·lyz·able or chiefly Brit pho·to·lys·able .ī zə bəl adj … Medical dictionary
photolyze — pho·to·lyze … English syllables
photolyze — ˈfōd.əlˌīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: New Latin photolysis + English ize : to subject to photolysis * * * photolyzation, n. /foht l uyz /, v., photolyzed, photolyzing. Chem. v.t. 1. to break down molecules with light. v.i. 2. to… … Useful english dictionary
photolyzable — adjective see photolyze … New Collegiate Dictionary
dissociate — Synonyms and related words: abrupt, abstract, alienate, cast off, cast out, catalyze, cut adrift, cut off, cut out, delete, depart, detach, dialyze, disarticulate, disassociate, disconnect, disengage, disjoin, disjoint, distance, disunite, divide … Moby Thesaurus
electrolyze — Synonyms and related words: acetify, acidify, acidulate, alkalify, alkalize, borate, carbonate, catalyze, chemical, chlorinate, dialyze, dissociate, electrogalvanize, electrogild, electroplate, ferment, galvanize, homopolymerize, hydrate,… … Moby Thesaurus
pho|to|lyze — «FOH tuh lyz», transitive verb, intransitive verb, lyzed, lyz|ing. to break down by the action of light; cause to undergo photolysis: »to photolyze ozone into oxygen atoms … Useful english dictionary