
1) баланс; равновесие
2) уравновешивание; балансировка || уравновешивать(ся); балансировать
3) весы
4) компенсация || компенсировать
5) строит. противовес
6) симметрия || симметрировать
7) (электрический) мост
8) тлв звуковой баланс
9) тлв стереобаланс
10) итог; остаток
11) швейн. баланс (изделия)
to balance cuts and fills — уравновешивать объём выемок и насыпей (при производстве земляных работ);
to open a balance — открывать (пускать) весы
balance of momentum — баланс количества движения
balance of nature — экологическое (природное) равновесие
balance of roof — пята свода (печи)
active power balance
aerodynamic balance
air-damped balance
Ampere balance
analytical balance
antenna balance
assay balance
available energy balance
back balance
beam balance
black balance
bridge balance
carbon-gas balance
centesimal balance
channel balance
chemical balance
coal-cleaning balance
color balance
component balance
conveyor balance
corn balance
crane balance
cultural balance
current balance
damped balance
decimal balance
density balance
dial balance
dredge and fill balance
dynamic balance
ecological balance
Edmond balance
electric balance
energy balance
enthalpy balance
equal-arm balance
fission balance
free-swing balance
gas balance
governor weights balance
gray balance
gray-scale balance
hanging-type spring balance
heat balance
horn balance
hydraulic balance
hydrologic balance
hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
induction balance
Jolly balance
knife-edge balance
large balance
low-capacity balance
magnetic balance
mass balance
material balance
moisture balance
mud balance
negative balance
neutron balance
one-pan balance
oxygen balance
perfect balance
photovoltaic balance
plane balance
plasma balance
plating balance
positive balance
pressure balance
propeller balance
radiative balance
reactive power balance
reactivity balance
rider-bar balance
river-basin balance
roll balance
Roman balance
sash balance
sealed internal balance
sediment balance
spring balance
standard balance
standing balance
static balance
steady-state oxygen balance
steelyard-type balance
steelyard balance
supply-demand balance
taring balance
temperature balance
three-knife balance
tonal balance
torsion balance
undamped balance
voltage balance
wagon balance
water balance
white balance

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "balance" в других словарях:

  • Balance — (de) …   Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon

  • Balance — Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • balance — BALANCE. s. f. Instrument dont on se sert pour peser, composé de deux bassins de même poids, suspendus à un fléau. Balance juste. Fausse balance. Les bassins, les plats d une balance. La languette d une balance. Le fléau d une balance. Tenir la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • balance — BALANCE. subst. f. Instrument à deux bassins servant à peser. Balance juste. fausse balance. les bassins de la balance. la languette de la balance. le fleau de la balance. tenir la balance juste. faire pencher la balance. On dit que, Le poids… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Balance — Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Balanced} (b[a^]l anst); p. pr. & vb. n. {Balancing} (b[a^]l an*s[i^]ng).] [From {Balance}, n.: cf. F. balancer.] 1. To bring to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • balance — 1. The noun is about four centuries older than the verb, and has derived several figurative uses from its primary meaning of ‘an apparatus for weighing’, as for example in accounting (where the notion of balancing the books is ever present) and… …   Modern English usage

  • balance — ► NOUN 1) an even distribution of weight ensuring stability. 2) mental or emotional stability. 3) a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. 4) an apparatus for weighing, especially one with a beam and… …   English terms dictionary

  • Balance — bezeichnet: Gleichgewicht (Physik), ein Gleichgewicht von entgegenwirkenden Kräften oder Aspekten oder einen Zustand der Ausgewogenheit Ausgeglichenheit Eigenschaften einer Datenstruktur; siehe Balancierter Baum Balance (Magazin), ein von der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Balance — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Balance puede referirse a: Balance (contabilidad), informe financiero que refleja la situación del patrimonio de una entidad en un momento determinado. Balance hídrico, el equilibrio entre todos los recursos hídricos …   Wikipedia Español

  • balance — n 1 Balance, equilibrium, equipoise, poise, tension are comparable when denoting the stability or efficiency resulting from the equalization or exact adjustment of opposing forces. Balance suggests a steadiness that results when all parts are… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • balance — or Balance [bal′əns] n. [ME & OFr, prob. via ML < VL * bilancia < LL bilanx, having two scales < L bis, twice + lanx, a dish, scale < IE * elek , extended stem of base * el , to bend > ELBOW] 1. an instrument for weighing, esp. one …   English World dictionary

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