- photoautotroph
фотоавтотроф (организм, использующий энергию света для биосинтеза компонентов клеток)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Photoautotroph — fotoautotrofai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmai, energiją organinių maisto medžiagų sintezei gaunantys iš Saulės energijos. atitikmenys: angl. photoautotrophs vok. Photoautotroph, n rus. фотоавтотроф, m;… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
photoautotroph — noun see photoautotrophic … New Collegiate Dictionary
photoautotroph — (fo to aw to trōf) See photolithotrophic autotrophs … Dictionary of microbiology
photoautotroph — photoautotrophic, adj. /foh toh aw teuh trof , trohf /, n. Biol. any organism that derives its energy for food synthesis from light and is capable of using carbon dioxide as its principal source of carbon. [1945 50; PHOTO + AUTOTROPH] * * * … Universalium
photoautotroph — noun an organism, such as all green plants, that can synthesize its own food from inorganic material using light as a source of energy … Wiktionary
photoautotroph — An organism that depends solely on light for its energy and principally on carbon dioxide for its carbon. Cf.:photoheterotroph, photolithotroph, phototroph. [photo + G. autos, self, + trophe, nourishment] * * * pho·to·au·to·troph .fōt ō ȯt ə .t … Medical dictionary
photoautotroph — pho·to·autotroph … English syllables
photoautotroph — pho•to•au•to•troph [[t]ˌfoʊ toʊˈɔ təˌtrɒf, ˌtroʊf[/t]] n. ecl any organism that derives its energy for food synthesis from light and is capable of using carbon dioxide as its principal source of carbon • Etymology: 1945–50 pho to•au to•troph′ic,… … From formal English to slang
photoautotroph — /ˌfoʊtoʊˈɔtətrɒf/ (say .fohtoh awtuhtrof) noun a plant which is capable of photoautotrophy. –photoautotrophic /ˌfoʊtoʊɔtəˈtrɒfɪk/ (say .fohtohawtuh trofik), adjective …
photoautotroph — See: autotroph, heterotroph … Glossary of Biotechnology
photoautotroph — ¦fōd.ōˌ noun Etymology: phot + autotroph : a photoautotrophic organism * * * photoautotrophic, adj. /foh toh aw teuh trof , trohf /, n. Biol. any organism that derives its energy for food synthesis from light and is capable of using carbon… … Useful english dictionary