- phosphate ester fluid
жидкость (для гидросистем) на основе эфиров фосфорной кислоты
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Phosphate — Systematic name … Wikipedia
Hydraulic fluid — Hydraulic fluids are a large group of fluids used as the motive medium in hydraulic machinery. Fluid types include synthetic compounds, mineral oil, water, and water based mixtures. The fluids are found in machinery and equipment ranging from… … Wikipedia
Tricresyl phosphate — Chembox new ImageFile = Tricresyl phosphate.png ImageSize = 250px IUPACName = OtherNames = tricresylphosphate, tri o cresyl phosphate, TOCP, tritolyl phosphate, tolyl phosphate, tri o tolyl ester of phosphoric acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers… … Wikipedia
Brake fluid — is a type of hydraulic fluid used in hydraulic brake applications in motorcycles, automobiles, light trucks, and some advanced bicycles. It is used to transfer force under pressure from where it is created through hydraulic lines to the braking… … Wikipedia
Tributyl phosphate — Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as TBP, is an organophosphorus compound with the formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of orthophosphoric acid… … Wikipedia
Sulfur — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Sulfur (disambiguation). phosphorus ← sulfur → chlorine … Wikipedia
Skydrol — is an advanced fire resistant aviation hydraulic fluid [ [http://www.solutia.com/pages/corporate/products/product.asp?product=147 Solutia.com Skydrol ] ] manufactured by Solutia Inc. There are various lines of Skydrol including Skydrol 500B 4,… … Wikipedia
lipid — /lip id, luy pid/, n. Biochem. any of a group of organic compounds that are greasy to the touch, insoluble in water, and soluble in alcohol and ether: lipids comprise the fats and other esters with analogous properties and constitute, with… … Universalium
drug — drug1 /drug/, n., v., drugged, drugging. n. 1. Pharm. a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well being. 2. (in federal law) a. any substance… … Universalium
Drug — /droog/, n. Zoroastrianism. the cosmic principle of disorder and falsehood. Cf. Asha. [ < Avestan drauga] * * * I Any chemical agent that affects the function of living things. Some, including antibiotics, stimulants, tranquilizers,… … Universalium
carbohydrate — /kahr boh huy drayt, beuh /, n. any of a class of organic compounds that are polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones, or change to such substances on simple chemical transformations, as hydrolysis, oxidation, or reduction, and that form the… … Universalium