- persistent substance
стойкое вещество
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
persistent substance — patvarioji medžiaga statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Medžiaga, kuri natūralioje aplinkoje (terpėje) nesunyksta arba sunyksta labai lėtai (pvz., gyvsidabrio druskos, kai kurie fenolio junginiai, chlororganiniai pesticidai ir t … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Substance-induced psychosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F10.5 F19.5 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Substance abuse — Classification and external resources Comparison of the perceived harm for various psychoactive drugs from a poll among medical psychiatrists specialized in addiction tr … Wikipedia
Substance dependence — Substance dependency Classification and external resources ICD 10 F10.2 F19.2 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
substance-induced psychotic disorder — [DSM IV] persistent delusions or hallucinations related to the use of a psychoactive substance, the patient being unaware of their etiology. Individual cases are named for the specific substance involved … Medical dictionary
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services — Great Seal of Oklahoma Agency overview Formed 1953 Headquarters … Wikipedia
Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal — Classification and external resources ICD 9 339.3 Headaches can be attributed to many different substances. Some of these include alcohol, NO, carbon monoxide poisoning, cocaine, and MSG. Chronic … Wikipedia
Musk xylene — Musk xylene[1] Preferred IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Agent Purple — is the code name for a powerful herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War. The name comes from the purple stripe painted on the barrels to identify the contents. It was one of the… … Wikipedia
Cannabis (droga) — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor. Para otros usos de este término, véase … Wikipedia Español
biomagnification — a cumulative increase in the concentrations of a persistent substance in successively higher levels of the food chain; in aquatic environments fish are often the terminus of a food chain and have the most chemicals accumulated (PCBs may… … Dictionary of ichthyology