- permeable soil
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Permeable paving — Permeable paving, is different than pervious paving or porous pavement, by virtue of the fact that rainwater passes around the paver as opposed to passing through the paver helping to reduce or eliminate clogging found in pervious or porous… … Wikipedia
soil mechanics — the branch of civil engineering that deals with the mechanical behavior of soil and similar materials when they are compressed or sheared or when liquids flow through them. * * * Study of soils and their utilization, especially in planning… … Universalium
Soil type — In terms of soil texture, soil type usually refers to the different sizes of mineral particles in a particular sample. Soil is made up in part of finely ground rock particles, grouped according to size as sand,and clay. Each size plays a… … Wikipedia
soil-water pressure — The pressure (positive or negative), in relation to the external gas pressure on the soil water, to which a solution identical in composition with the soil water must be subjected in order to be in equilibrium through a porous permeable wall… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Gley soil — in soil science is a type of hydric soil which exhibits a greenish blue grey soil color due to wetland conditions. On exposure to the air, gley colors are transformed to a mottled pattern of reddish, yellow or orange patches. During gley soil… … Wikipedia
Acid sulfate soil — Acid sulfate soils are naturally occurring soils, sediments or organic substrates (e.g. peat) that are formed under waterlogged conditions. These soils contain iron sulfide minerals (predominantly as the mineral pyrite) or their oxidation… … Wikipedia
Bama (soil) — The Professional Soil Classifiers Association of Alabama adopted a resolution at its 1996 annual meeting recommending the Bama Soil Series as the State Soil. The Association is composed of a group of soil classifiers representing the Alabama… … Wikipedia
Menfro (soil) — Menfro strata Menfro soil is a series of deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils formed in 6 to 20 foot (1.8 to 6.1 m) thick loess deposits. It is found in central and eastern Missouri and west central and southwestern Illinois on upland… … Wikipedia
Paxton (soil) — Paxton, Fine Sandy Loam The Official State Soil of Massachusetts The Paxton soil series was established in Worcester County Massachusetts in 1922, and is named for the town of Paxton where it was first described and mapped. In 1991, the… … Wikipedia
Seitz (soil) — The Seitz is the unofficial state soil of Colorado. Contents 1 Profile 2 Plant habitat 3 See also 4 References … Wikipedia
Tanana (soil) — The Tanama soil is the official state soil of Alaska.ProfileThe Tanama soil consists of shallow, well drained, moderately permeable soils formed in materials weathered from limestone. They are gently sloping to very steep soils on foot slopes and … Wikipedia