фотоэлектронная микроскопия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pem — (* 18. Januar 1901 in Beeskow; † 24. April 1972 in London; bürgerlich Paul Marcus) war ein deutscher Journalist und Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Fußnoten 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
PEM — may stand for: Peabody Essex Museum Pediatric emergency medicine Photoelastic modulator Polioencephalomalacia Polyelectrolyte multilayer Porous European Mix – a type of asphalt used on roads and airport runways, commonly referred to as PEM… … Wikipedia
PEM — (Privacy Enhanced Mail) n. encrypted electronic mail, standard which ensures privacy for electronic mail on the Internet (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
pem — ag·a·pem·o·ne; pem·bi·na; pem·broke; pem·broke·shire; pem·mi·can; pem·phi·goid; pem·phre·don·i·dae; pem·o·line; pem·phi·gus; pem·i·can; … English syllables
PEM — Die Abkürzung PEM steht für: das Pseudonym von Paul Marcus (Pem), deutscher Journalist und Schriftsteller. die englische Schreibweise für eine Protonen Austausch Membran (Proton Exchange Membrane). eine Niedrigtemperaturbrennstoffzelle mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PEM — El acrónimo PEM puede referirse a: Pulso electromagnético; PEM, formato de archivo empleado para almacenar certificados digitales; Programa de Empleo Mínimo (PEM); Profesor de Enseñanza Media, título otorgado en Guatemala, a los profesionales de… … Wikipedia Español
PEM — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
pem|i|can — pem|mi|can or pem|i|can «PEHM uh kuhn», noun. 1. dried, lean meat pounded into a paste with melted fat and pressed into cakes. It was an important food among certain tribes of North American Indians. 2. a somewhat similar preparation, usually of… … Useful english dictionary
pem|mi|can — or pem|i|can «PEHM uh kuhn», noun. 1. dried, lean meat pounded into a paste with melted fat and pressed into cakes. It was an important food among certain tribes of North American Indians. 2. a somewhat similar preparation, usually of beef, with… … Useful english dictionary
Pem|a|quid — «PEHM kwihd», noun, plural quids or quid. a member of an Algonkian tribe of North American Indians friendly to the Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth Colony … Useful english dictionary
Pem|broke — «PEHM bruk, brohk», noun. one of the two varieties of the Welsh corgi breed of dogs, characterized by a relatively short tail. ╂[< Pembroke, a town in Wales] … Useful english dictionary