bacterial resistance

bacterial resistance
устойчивость к биологическому [бактериальному\] разложению

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bacterial resistance" в других словарях:

  • Bacterial conjugation — is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell to cell contact or by a bridge like connection between two cells.[1] Discovered in 1946 by Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum,[2] conjugation is a mechanism of horizontal… …   Wikipedia

  • Bacterial Genetic Nomenclature — is a set of generally accepted rules and conventions used for naming bacterial genes. Standards for were proposed in 1966 by Demerec et al. [Demerec M et al. (1966) A proposal for a uniform nomenclature in bacterial genetics. Genetics 54:61 76] …   Wikipedia

  • Bacterial lawn — is a term used by microbiologists to describe the appearance of bacterial colonies when all the individual colonies on a petri dish agar plate merge together to form a field or mat of bacteria. Bacterial lawns find use in screens for antibiotic… …   Wikipedia

  • resistance plasmid — n. any of a group of bacterial plasmids carrying genetic information that provide resistance to antibiotic drugs: some resistance plasmids are able to transfer themselves, and hence resistance, during conjugation * * * …   Universalium

  • resistance plasmid — n. any of a group of bacterial plasmids carrying genetic information that provide resistance to antibiotic drugs: some resistance plasmids are able to transfer themselves, and hence resistance, during conjugation …   English World dictionary

  • Bacterial artificial chromosome — A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) is a DNA construct, based on a functional fertility plasmid (or F plasmid), used for transforming and cloning in bacteria, usually E. coli.[1][2] F plasmids play a crucial role because they contain… …   Wikipedia

  • Resistance — Opposition to something, or the ability to withstand it. For example, some forms of staphylococcus are resistant to treatment with antibiotics. * * * 1. A force exerted in opposition to an active force. 2. The opposition in a conductor to the… …   Medical dictionary

  • resistance — noun 1 trying to stop sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, great, massive, stiff, strong, substantial ▪ determined, fierce, heroic …   Collocations dictionary

  • Bacterial pneumonia — See pneumonia for a general overview of pneumonia and its other causes. ), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ICD10|J|15|0|j|10), Escherichia coli (ICD10|J|15|5|j|10), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ICD10|J|15|1|j|10) and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bacterial Artificial Chromosome — BAC (engl. Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) ist ein künstliches Chromosom, das aus dem single copy F Plasmid des Bakteriums Escherichia coli entwickelt wurde. BACs dienen als Vektoren und erlauben im Gegensatz zu den Cosmiden und Plasmiden die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bacterial — adj. Bacterial is used with these nouns: ↑contamination, ↑disease, ↑growth, ↑infection, ↑meningitis, ↑pneumonia, ↑resistance, ↑strain …   Collocations dictionary

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