- path
1) путь; трасса; маршрут2) траектория3) длина пути; длина пробега4) англ. тротуар6) дорожка (магнитной записи)7) межсоединение8) маршрут (в сети передачи данных)9) ветвь (программы)10) цепь (в вентильной матрице)11) вчт. путь доступа•-
absorption path
access path
actual flight path
actuating path
amplification path
approach path
arc path
arc-over path
arcuate path
ascent flight path
assigned flight path
beam path
beyond-line-of-sight path
borehole path
braking path
breakdown path
breakdown propagation path
calculated path
circular path
circularly arced path
CMM inspection path
coal gasification path
collision-free path
communication path
conducting path
conduction path
conductive path
conductor path
controlled path
correct tool path
coverage path
creepage path
critical path
current path
cutter center path
cutting path
data path
decay path
departure path
desired flight path
desired tool path
digital path
directional path
discharge path
diversity path
earth-satellite path
electron path
en-route flight path
exposure optical path
false glide path
feedback path
feed-forward path
filamentary path
film path
film-lacing path
final approach path
fire rescue path
flame-arresting path
flux path
folded optical path
forward path
free path
gas path
glide path
graph path
ground return path
heat-leakage path
hierarchical path
holding path
image path
inclined path
information path
intended flight path
interconnecting path
ionization path
leakage path
line-of-sight path
load path
logic path
magnetic path
multiple-choice path
navigable path
NC cutter path
neutral return path
noise path
nominal approach path
obstacle-avoiding path
optical path
paper path
particle path
path of film movement
path of integration
phase path
planned path
predetermined path
propagation path
radio path
ray path
read path
robot path
rubbing path
satellite-to-earth path
seepage path
segmented approach path
shunting path
shunt path
signal path
slant path
speech path
steam path
strain path
takeoff flight path
talking path
tape threading path
tape path
tool path
transhorizon path
transmission path
troposcatter path
two-dimensional path
up path
video path
winding path
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.