- acid dye
кислотный краситель
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Acid dye — is a member of a class of dye that is applied from an acidic solution. In the home or art studio, the acid used in the dyebath is often vinegar (acetic acid) or citric acid. The uptake rate of the dye is controlled with the use of sodium chloride … Wikipedia
acid dye — n any of a large class of dyes that contain acidic groups usu. in the form of sodium or potassium salts, that are soluble in water, and that are used esp. in aqueous or alcoholic solution for staining cytoplasm and various acidophilic structures… … Medical dictionary
acid dye — noun dye in which the chromophore is part of a negative ion • Hypernyms: ↑dye, ↑dyestuff • Hyponyms: ↑metallized dye * * * noun or acid color : any of a large class of dyes that contain acidic groups (as sulfonic or ca … Useful english dictionary
acid dye — rūgštinis dažiklis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dažiklis, kurio molekulėje yra rūgštinės prigimties grupių. atitikmenys: angl. acid dye; anionic dye rus. аннионный краситель; кислотный краситель ryšiai: sinonimas – anijoninis dažiklis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
acid dye — dye from acidic solution … English contemporary dictionary
acid dye — Chem. any of a class of dyes containing one or more acidic groups, as the sulfo group: used in acid solution chiefly for dyeing wool and silk. [1885 90] * * * ▪ chemical compound any bright coloured synthetic organic compound whose molecule … Universalium
Acid dye — Кислотный краситель … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
acid dye — /æsəd ˈdaɪ/ (say asuhd duy) noun any of a large group of dyes, mostly sodium salts of sulphonic acids, used mainly for fibres derived from cellulose, as cotton, linen or rayon …
mordant acid dye — noun : a mordant dye (as a chrome dye) that dyes in an acid bath see dye table I … Useful english dictionary
acid fuchsin — also acid fuchsine n an acid dye used chiefly in histology as a general cytoplasmic stain and for demonstration of special elements (as mitochondria) called also acid magenta * * * a mixture of sulfonated fuchsins used in Andrade indicator and in … Medical dictionary
milling acid dye — noun see milling dye … Useful english dictionary