parent thunderstorm

parent thunderstorm
торнадообразующая гроза

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "parent thunderstorm" в других словарях:

  • thunderstorm — /thun deuhr stawrm /, n. a transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Also called electrical storm. [1645 55; THUNDER + STORM] * * * Violent, short… …   Universalium

  • Thunderstorm — Electrical storm redirects here. For other uses, see Electrical storm (disambiguation). A typical thunderstorm A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm, a lightning storm, thundershower or simply a storm is a form of weather… …   Wikipedia

  • tornado — tornadic /tawr nad ik, nay dik/, adj. tornadolike, adj. /tawr nay doh/, n., pl. tornadoes, tornados. 1. a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, esp. in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel shaped cloud… …   Universalium

  • Tornado — This article is about the weather phenomenon. For other uses, see Tornado (disambiguation). For the current tornado season, see Tornadoes of 2011 …   Wikipedia

  • Outflow (meteorology) — Outflow boundary as seen on radar reflectivity. The leading edge of the outflow is also a gust front in this particular case, depicted by the cold front symbol Outflow, in meteorology, is air that flows outwards from a storm system. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Wind shear — Wind shear, sometimes referred to as windshear or wind gradient, is a difference in wind speed and direction over a relatively short distance in the atmosphere. Wind shear can be broken down into vertical and horizontal components, with… …   Wikipedia

  • 1925 Miami tornado — The 1925 Miami tornado was a strong tornado that struck Dade County, Florida on April 5, 1925. It remains the deadliest tornado to affect the south Florida county, and it is estimated to have been the most intense tornado to strike the Miami area …   Wikipedia

  • 1989 Northeastern United States tornado outbreak — Damage to trees in Ha …   Wikipedia

  • Tornadoes of 2003 — F4 Tornado Near Franklin in the May 2003 Sequence Outbreak Tornado outbreak year: February–December 2003 Maximum rated tornado: F4 tornado, 9 locations, 4 occurrences …   Wikipedia

  • anvil crawler — Slang for a lightning discharge occurring within the anvil of a thunderstorm. It is characterized by one or more channels that appear to crawl along the underside of the anvil. They typically appear during the weakening or dissipating stage of… …   Aviation dictionary

  • April 1958 Florida tornado outbreak — The April 1958 Florida tornado outbreakcite web|author=Hagemeyer, Bartlett C.|year=1997|url= AMS WAF 1997.pdf|title=Peninsular Florida Tornado Outbreaks|publisher=American Meteorological… …   Wikipedia

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