parachute drogue

parachute drogue
поверхностный буй с парашютом (для определения направления течений в океане)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "parachute drogue" в других словарях:

  • Drogue — This article is about a device used in the marine environment. For the type of parachute used in aeronautics, see drogue parachute. A drogue A drogue is a device external to the boat, attached to the stern used to slow a boat down in a storm and… …   Wikipedia

  • drogue parachute — parachute par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drogue — parachute par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parachute — par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including severance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Drogue — (dr[=o]g), n. 1. (Naut.) See {Drag}, n., 6, and {Drag sail}, under {Drag}, n. [1913 Webster] 2. a small parachute dragged behind a vehicle as a means of stabilizing it, or deployed first so as to assist opening of a larger parachute. [PJC] 3. a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drogue — [drōg] n. [prob. altered < Scot drug, dial. var. of DRAG] 1. SEA ANCHOR 2. a funnel shaped device towed behind an aircraft or spacecraft for its drag effect (also drogue parachute), or as a target, for use in certain refueling operations, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Drogue parachute — A B 52H Stratofortress from the 307th Bomb Wing deploying its drag chute for landing …   Wikipedia

  • Parachute — This article is about the device. For sports involving a parachute, see Parachuting. For other meanings, see Parachute (disambiguation). Parachutes opening A parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by… …   Wikipedia

  • drogue parachute — i. A type of parachute attached to a body to slow it down. Also called a deceleration parachute or drag parachute. ii. A parachute used specifically to pull something, usually a larger parachute, out of stowage, as a drogue parachute deploys a… …   Aviation dictionary

  • drogue parachute — noun 1. a small parachute that pulls the main parachute from its storage pack • Hypernyms: ↑parachute, ↑chute 2. a parachute used to decelerate an object that is moving rapidly • Syn: ↑drogue, ↑drogue chute • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • drogue parachute — 1. Also called drogue. a small parachute that deploys first in order to pull a larger parachute from its pack. 2. Also called drag parachute. a parachute used to slow a vehicle or aircraft. [1950 55] * * * …   Universalium

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