
1) бумага
2) (бумажные) обои
3) газета
4) фотобумага
5) (научный) доклад; статья
6) документ
7) оклеивать бумагой или обоями
8) обёртывать бумагой; упаковывать в бумагу
abrasive paper
absorbent paper
acid-free paper
acidproof paper
active paper
adhesive paper
airmail paper
album paper
alkaliproof paper
all-rag paper
all-wood paper
animal-sized paper
anticorrosive paper
antiseptic paper
antitarnish paper
armature paper
art paper
asbestos paper
ashless filter paper
asphalt paper
asphalt-laminated kraft paper
atlas paper
backing paper
bag paper
bakelized paper
bank-note paper
bark paper
base paper
bast paper
bible paper
binder's paper
black-and-white paper
blade-coated paper
bleached paper
blotting paper
blueprint paper
blue paper
board paper
body paper
bond paper
book paper
bookend paper
book-printing paper
Braille paper
Bristol paper
broken paper
bromide paper
brush-coated paper
building paper
cable paper
calendered paper
calf paper
calking paper
cap paper
capacitor paper
carbon paper
carbonless paper
chalk overlay paper
chart paper
cheque paper
chlorobromide paper
chromatographic paper
coated one-side paper
coated paper
coated two-side paper
coding paper
color paper
common paper
concreting paper
condenser paper
conditioned paper
conducting paper
contact paper
continuous paper
converting paper
coordinate paper
copying paper
copy paper
corrugated paper
cotton rag paper
cover paper
crocus paper
cross-section paper
cut-sized paper
cylinder-dried paper
daily paper
design paper
detail paper
developing-out paper
developing paper
diagram paper
dial paper
diazo-type paper
diazo paper
dielectric paper
drafting paper
drawing paper
drying paper
dull paper
duplicator paper
electrical insulating paper
electrosensitive paper
embossed paper
emery paper
enameled paper
end leaf paper
end paper
envelope paper
epoxide paper
exposed paper
extra-strong paper
facing paper
fan-fold paper
felt paper
filter paper
finishing paper
fish paper
flat paper
foil paper
folded paper
function paper
glass paper
glassine paper
glazed paper
gold paper
graph paper
gravure paper
greaseproof paper
ground paper
groundwood paper
gummed paper
half-tone paper
hand-made paper
hanging paper
hardened paper
heat-sealing paper
heat-softened paper
heavyweight paper
heliographic paper
impregnated paper
indicator paper
insulating paper
interleaved carbon paper
jute butt paper
keyboard paper
kraft paper
label paper
lagging paper
laid paper
laminated paper
layout paper
lead paper
legal paper
letter paper
lightweight paper
lining paper
lithographic paper
litmus paper
loan paper
logarithmic paper
log paper
log-log paper
machine-coated paper
machine-finish paper
machine-made paper
manila paper
map paper
marble paper
mat surface paper
matrix paper
mechanical paper
mellow paper
metal paper
MF paper
mica paper
micanite paper
mimeograph paper
mixed straw paper
mold paper
mold resistant paper
music paper
name paper
napkin paper
negative paper
news print paper
news paper
noncarbon paper
off-quality paper
offset paper
oiled paper
old paper
opaque paper
ordinary paper
package paper
paraffined paper
parchment paper
phenolic paper
photocopying paper
photographic paper
photosensitive paper
photosensitized paper
pigment paper
pitched paper
pitch paper
plain paper
plastic paper
plastic-coated paper
polishing paper
poster paper
pregummed label paper
pressure sensitive paper
primary paper
printing paper
printing-out paper
printout paper
proof paper
publication paper
rag paper
raw paper
reagent paper
recording paper
recycled paper
reel paper
reinforced paper
resin bonded paper
resin impregnated paper
resistance paper
reversal paper
rice paper
roll paper
roofing paper
rope paper
rotogravure paper
ruled paper
rust-preventing paper
satin paper
saturated paper
scaled paper
self-developing photosensitive paper
semichemical paper
semilogarithmic paper
semilog paper
sensitive paper
separating paper
sheathing paper
sheet paper
shredded paper
sic paper
silver paper
sized paper
slot paper
squared paper
stabilization photographic NK paper
stack-to-stack paper
stencil paper
straw paper
sulfite paper
supercalendered paper
tarred brown paper
teledeltos paper
texture paper
thermal paper
ticket paper
tissue paper
top-quality paper
tracing paper
transfer paper
transparent paper
treated insulating paper
twin-wire paper
typewriter paper
uncoated paper
union paper
unsized paper
untreated paper
varnished paper
vellum paper
wall paper
waste paper
waterproof paper
waxed paper
wet-strength paper
Whatman imitation paper
Whatman paper
Willesden paper
wood pulp paper
wood paper
wood-free paper
wrapping paper
writing paper

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "paper" в других словарях:

  • Paper — Pa per (p[=a] p[ e]r), n. [F. papier, fr. L. papyrus papyrus, from which the Egyptians made a kind of paper, Gr. pa pyros. Cf. {Papyrus}.] 1. A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paper — pa·per n 1: a piece of paper containing a written statement: as a: a formal written composition or document often intended for publication the Federalist paper s b: a document containing a statement of legal status, identity, authority, or… …   Law dictionary

  • paper — [pā′pər] n. [ME papir < OFr papier < L papyrus < Gr papyros,PAPYRUS] 1. a thin, flexible material made usually in sheets from a pulp prepared from rags, wood, or other fibrous material, and used for writing or printing on, for packaging …   English World dictionary

  • paper — pa per (p[=a] p[ e]r), a. 1. Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper. [1913 Webster] 2. Existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a paper army; a paper tiger. [1913 Webster +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paper — [adj] thin, flimsy cardboard, disposable, insubstantial, paper thin, papery, wafer thin; concept 606 Ant. thick paper [n2] newspaper daily, gazette, journal, news, organ, rag*, weekly; concept 280 paper [n3] …   New thesaurus

  • paper — ► NOUN 1) material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing or printing on or as wrapping material. 2) (papers) sheets of paper covered with writing or printing; documents. 3) (before another …   English terms dictionary

  • paper — pa per, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {papered} (p[=a] p[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {papering}.] 1. To cover or line with paper, especially with wallpaper; to furnish with paper hangings; to wallpaper; as, to paper a room or a house. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paper — n 1 Paper, instrument, document all mean a writing (often typed, sometimes printed) that is of value to its owner or to others who come after him as a source of information or proof of a right, contention, or claim. Paper is the most general term …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • paper — Voz inglesa que se usa con cierta frecuencia en algunas zonas de América, especialmente en el ámbito académico, con el sentido de ‘escrito en el cual el autor desarrolla sus ideas sobre un tema determinado’. Es anglicismo superfluo, que debe… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • paper — |pêipar| s. m. Artigo, geralmente destinado a uma publicação especializada. • Plural: papers.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa, com significado original de papel …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • -paper — noun ● scribble …   Useful english dictionary

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